This weeks ride begins at the Copper Mountain Transportation Center at 9:30. The ride will travel up to Fremont Pass from there, and back down for lunch. If you don't want to ride the road to the pass, you have the option of going to Frisco and back, or Vail Pass and return. As usual we'll have lunch after riding, but with no BBQ. Bring something to eat and drink and something to share with your fellow bikers. You might also want to bring a chair or blanket to sit on, and if you have a table you can bring, please email Bonnie at
Wednesday, July 29
To ensure that the Swan Mountain Rec Path is in great shape for the Bob Guthrie Memorial Ride on Sunday Aug 9th, we are going to have a clean up on our section of the path on Tues Aug 4th. We'll meet at the fisherman's parking lot at the bottom of Swan Mountain Rd across from Summit Cove at 8:30. We'll car pool to the path and clean it up. It appears that most of the cleanup will be to get gravel off the path. I have a number of brooms, but if you have a stiff push broom, bring it with you.
10:31 AM

Yahoo Forum Posts
Once again we must ask everyone to please limit their posts in our Yahoo Forum to biking related articles. If this continues we may have to remove you from the mail list. And I can understand why others feel they need to remind the original poster that a non biking email is inappropriate, but keep in mind that this further fills our email baskets.
8:39 AM

Friday, July 24
Monday 7/27 Ride
Meet at Dillon Amphitheatre, ready to ride at 9:30 am. The main ride
will be around the lake clockwise. Alternative rides include a climb
up Loveland Pass or a more moderate ride to Keystone, adding a climb
up the existing Swan Mountain Recpath before returning to the picnic.
All rides should plan to be finished between 11:30 & noon. We will
have a grill for those who want to cook. Plan to bring something to
share with the group as well as your own beverage.
will be around the lake clockwise. Alternative rides include a climb
up Loveland Pass or a more moderate ride to Keystone, adding a climb
up the existing Swan Mountain Recpath before returning to the picnic.
All rides should plan to be finished between 11:30 & noon. We will
have a grill for those who want to cook. Plan to bring something to
share with the group as well as your own beverage.
9:13 AM

Wednesday, July 22
8/10 ride
Just a reminder that there won't be a ride on Monday 8/10, as all of us will be riding the Bob Guthrie Memorial ride on Sunday 8/9. If you haven't registered yet, there is still time by going to;
Hope to see you all there enjoying the beautiful roads and paths of Summit County, on one of the rides from 15 to 100 miles.
Hope to see you all there enjoying the beautiful roads and paths of Summit County, on one of the rides from 15 to 100 miles.
7:58 AM

Thursday, July 16
Monday 7/20 Ride
We're going to adventure out of the County to the other side of Vail Pass and meet at Big Horn Park in East Vail at 9:30am ready to ride. To get to Big Horn Park get off at exit 180 and turn left under I-70 onto Big Horn Road. Make a right on Gore Circle then the first right onto Gore Drive North. Take the second right on Juniper Lane. Big Horn Park is on the right.
There will be two main rides. One along Gore Creek Trail through Vail. This winds through Vail all the way to Minturn, a distance of 12 miles, one way. The other option is to ride up Vail Pass from the West side.
For lunch you should plan to bring a sandwich, something to drink and something to share with others. We will not have a fire. There is some seating but extra chairs may be nice.
10:11 PM

Friday, July 10
Monday 7/13 Ride
Monday's ride will begin at the Dillon Amphitheater at precisely 9:30. The published ride will be up to Montezuma and back, but of course there are a number of other options from that start point, inlcuding just going up to Keystone, riding the other way to Frisco, etc. As this will be our catered lunch from Chipotle, just bring what ever you want to drink with your buritto. If you have not ordered a buritto yet, you can order one before the ride starts. Just fill out an order form at the start.
8:46 AM

Thursday, July 9
Summit Biking Blog
This is where we'll post late changes, cancellations and other ride notices along with lost & found items from our lunches, etc.
You can receive updates for items posted here via an RSS feed by clicking the "Subscribe: Posts (Atom)" link below.
8:41 AM

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