Tuesday, June 26

July 2 Ride

Hello Summit Bikers,

Normally we do not have a bike ride around the Fourth of July.  However this year the Fourth falls on a Wednesday so I think we should do a ride.  In order not to have an impact on planned rides we will do the ever popular Green Mountain Reservoir route again.

Next week's ride, July 2, will be the Green Mountain Reservoir. The start of the ride is at the intersection of Route 9 and Heeney Road, approximately 20 miles north of Silverthorne. Plan to be ready to ride at 9:30 am. Most of the parking is on route 9 at the intersection with Heeney Road. Be careful crossing route 9 as it is a very busy road. Our ride is on a much quieter road but it does have  some traffic and people are encouraged to ride single file near the shoulder. This is the only Summit County ride with rolling hills as you ride on the west side of the reservoir.  Pay attention as there are some pot holes and a rough spot or two.

Afterwords, we will have a picnic at North Pond in Silverthorne. North Pond is across from the elementary school at the corner of Hamilton Creek Road and Route 9. Please bring something to share with your friends, whatever you want to drink and a sandwich.  Bonnie has plans and will not be available to do a grill -- so we have to rough it. Be sure to wear name tags, especially at the picnic.  Talk to the new people and let them know we are a friendly group.

This is a fun ride to bring a guest along since it is an out and back and difficult to get lost on.

Ride Safe!

John Bowyer

Wednesday, June 20

June 25 Bike Ride

Hello Summit Bikers,

Next week, June 25 we are doing Tour De Soda.  Plan to meet at North Pond in Silverthorne at 9:30 am ready to ride.  North Pond is across from the elementary school North of Silverthorne.  We will have a grill so plan to bring something to grill, as well as something to share and drink. 

The route takes us to the River Run Area of Keystone,  then out to the Old Ranch House, through Soda Creek and back to North Pond.  Please print out the directions below and have them with you.  The route will take many of you to places you have not ridden.  I will ask some riders to post at a few of the turns so hopefully people do not get lost.  If you are asked to post wait for about 10 riders then ask another to post. Places where riders will be asked to post are shown with an " * ".  There are a number of turns but once you ride through it is not that complicated.

There are lots of new members this year and I ask each of you to make a special effort to make them fell welcome.  Wear name tags so people get to know each other better.


Bike path to River Run Area of Keystone
(some may prefer different routes)
On road through Mountain House Area and
past area where we normally weave through the fence
To Keystone Ranch House Road
Just before the Ranch Restaurant turn left to stay on
Keystone Ranch House Road
At end of road return to weave through fence
(normal place where we ride)
You should be on Elk Spur Lane
Go straight / left at Elk Circle
*Go left on River Course Drive and stay to far right on
what appears to be a sidewalk (It is the community
*Stay on path until the end and go right (It looks like a
golf path) and is steep in places
Stay straight on the path crossing over a road
*Follow the path to the left watch for small section of 
hard pack dirt at end
Ride through Condo Parking lot turn Right on Summit Drive
Left onto Vail Circle
Left onto Summit Drive / Cove Blvd
Left on Whispering Pines Ranch Road
Left on Forest Glen Road
Right on Royal Coachman Blvd
At Coachman Court get on bike path
Return to Start

The route should take about 2 to 2.5 hours.  Lunch and the meeting will be in the picnic area shelter.

Ride safe!

John Bowyer

Friday, June 15

Monday June 18th - Ride from Dillon Pavilion to Montezuma w/usual picnic/potluck afterwards

Meet at the Dillon Amphitheater parking lot and be ready to ride at 9:30.  Most of us will head the up to Montezuma & back.  Some may want to ride to Keystone and then over to Keystone Ranch & back.  Others can head up to A-Basin or Loveland Pass.
The ride up to Montezuma is only 13 miles and an easy screamer downhill.  Do repeaters if necessary to kill time & miles
If you get back early, please help Bonnie get things set up.  She usually arrives at 11:30 so the grill will get fired up shortly thereafter. .Bring a lunch & beverage and something to share.
I'll have membership forms to pass out if you haven't paid your dues this year.  If you have a name tag please bring it & wear it.
Last but not least be sure to thank Bonnie for her continued support roll on these rides.  She can always use some help loading things back into her car.

Thursday, June 7

Friday 6/8 causal ride around the lake with optional lunch at Dillon Market

Meet at the benches where the bike path from Silverthorne ends up at the dam.  We'll head clockwise around lake and end up at the Dillon Market for some lunch.  Their market has moved down to Lodgepole St which means it is even easy to get to now.

Be ready to ride at 10.

We'll be leaving Silverthorne (AMR) at 9:30 if anyone wants to join us along the way.

Call or email if you have questions

(614) 264-5407 Mobile

Monday June 11th - Summit Biking ride around Lake Dillion w/usual picnic/potluck afterwards

Meet at the Dillon Amphitheater parking lot and be ready to ride at 9:30.  Since there are only 18 parking spots in the lot please carpool or use Lodgepole St (West of Amphitheater) for overflow parking.  You also should be able to park at the Dillon Marina if you are a frequent visitor to their Tiki Bar.


The loop around the lake is only 18 miles so get in some extra miles with out & backs to Keystone or Breckenridge to make it a 2+ hour ride.


If you get back early, please help Bonnie get things set up.  We'll have the grill fired up around 11:30.  Bring a lunch & beverage and something to share.


I'll have membership forms to pass out if you haven't paid your dues this year.  If you have a name tag please bring it & wear it.


Last but not least be sure to thank Bonnie for her continued support roll on these rides.  She can always use some help loading things back into her car.

Wednesday, June 6

First Summit Biking Informal Wednesday Ride

The first Summit Biking informal Wednesday ride will be on Wednesday, June 6, 2018. We'll meet at the bench in Dillon where the Silverthorne rec path meets the Dillon Dam rec path over to Frisco at 9:30 AM, ready to ride. We'll be riding to Breck and back.
Bob Giordano