Monday, April 26

People for Bikes, Now!

To all,

This is from a friend that coaches Jr. Olympians in Nordic Skiing.  I trust his judgement and it is pertaining to biking.


Bob Faucett

Hi there,

I just learned about a great new website to support pro-bike policies and spread the joy of bikes! Check out! They're collecting one million names in support of a better world for biking -- one that's safer, more convenient, and more appealing for everyone.

Every day, millions of Americans  like us ride for their health, for the environment, for their communities, and for the pure joy of bicycling. But until now, only a tiny fraction of riders have stood up to help improve bicycling in America. is going to change all that. They're building a national movement with the clout and influence to get things done. That means promoting bike riding on an individual level, but also sending a unified message to our elected leaders, the media, and the public that bicycling should have their full support.

Check out their great new website to take a pledge for biking and learn how you can help:


Saturday, April 17

Fwd: Recpath plowed


A note from Brad Eckert, out County Open Space and Trails "go to" guy.  Enjoy.


PS:  It's time to go on and sign up to be a member this year.  Official Monday rides start start in June
----- Forwarded Message -----
From: "BradE" <>
Sent: Friday, April 16, 2010 8:49:29 AM GMT -07:00 US/Canada Mountain
Subject: Recpath plowed

Bob, just wanted to let you know that all sections of the recpath has been plowed except for Ten Mile Canyon from Frisco to Copper. We are in the process of sweeping, but are having trouble with our equipment. There is lots of debris still on sections, so be careful.

You can pass this on to the club, or anyone else.


Brad Eckert
Resource Specialist
Summit County Open Space & Trails
PO Box 5660
Frisco, Colorado 80443
970-668-4225 (fax)

Monday, April 12

Circle the Summit /Third Annual Bob Guthrie Memorial Ride

To Summit Bikers:

It looks like biking season is officially getting under way.  Some of us have had beautiful days in the Denver area getting back in "biking" shape.  You don't have to put your skis away just yet but you do need to get your bike out.


You all know that the Circle the Summit Ride is on Saturday, August 14th at its new venue on 3rd Avenue, between Main and Granite in Frisco.   You also know that the Website and registration is up and running at   You can also get to that Web site through our Summit Biking site at  Our goal is to obtain 750 riders (our maximum number that will be allowed to register) this year.


You can help by signing up early, if you intend to ride, and talking up the ride with others that you ride with.  Some of us got two Denver people to sign up simply by chatting with them about the ride at a water stop last week.  It's that easy.


What you don't know is that starting next week, and every two weeks there-after, will be advertising our Ride to approximately 47,000 Front Range athletes.  We hope/expect that this will fill the register to the max sooner than later.  So, if you are going to do our Ride, sign up soon.


See you on the bike trails,


Bob Faucett