Thursday, July 29
8/2 ride
The ride this week will be following the bikers on the Courage Classic. Meet, ready to ride at 9:30 at the Copper Mountain Transportation Center. From there the ride will be up to Fremont Pass, and perhaps a bit further if you have the time and energy. Having 2000 other riders on the road gives us an added bit of safety. If you don't want to ride on Rt 91 you can follow the bike path to Frisco, or Vail Pass. After the ride we will have our ever popular picnic, although without a BBQ. So bring something cold to eat and drink, and something yummy to share. And if you don't want to sit on the grass, bring a chair or 2. Also if anyone has a table they can bring please contact Bonnie at: and let her know.

Friday, July 23
July 26 ride
And just a gentle reminder for those few who might not have joined yet. Please go to, click on membership, and sign up.

Thursday, July 22
Idaho Springs to Georgetown road closed
Note from a DBTC/SB member saying the road between Georgetown Lake and the YMCA camp towards Idaho Springs is closed-hopefully for the re-paving that we all have been waiting for.

Sapphire Point Dedication Photos
They are available here: The link is also on our website home and area rides page.
Take a look, enjoy and download any you would like.

Thursday, July 15
July 19 ride
Summit Bikers Ice Cream Social to Ute Pass ride - 2010
Next week’s ride will be to Ute Pass, with a picnic afterward at the home of Bob and Jay Gilson in Hamilton Creek, Silverthorne. Meet at the base of Ute Pass Rd, where it intersects with Rt 9 ready to ride at 9:30. While waiting for the ride to start, make sure you stay clear of the road which gets some truck traffic. For those who want to ride from Silverthorne, the info is below. They'll have a propane grill available for those who want to cook. As usual, bring something to eat and drink and something to share. As a special treat, Bob intends to make some ice cream which will go as far as it goes, since we never know how many people will be there. Below are the details from Bob:
I plan to make some ice cream for the Ute Pass post-ride picnic at our house next Monday, 7/19. I expect to have plenty, but you just never know who the professional ice cream eaters are out there. The picnic will be on our deck and in the house, so please leave your bike shoes off at the porch, since we don’t really have a lawn, and the view is prettier from the deck anyway. We have about 6-8 deck chairs and about the same inside. The deck rail is 2x8 flat, so it makes a good rest for a glass or dish.
Ice cream flavors we expect to have:
- Tour de French Vanilla
- Blueberry Cheesecake Swirl
- Orange Dreamsicle
- Coffee Gelato
- Strawberry Daiquiri Sorbet
We do have a very friendly dog named "Kelly" (my wife, Jay, always says, "Her Mom was a German Shepherd and her Dad was a good dog, too.") who thinks anyone who comes over came just to see her. However, she does not get 'people food', so please don't offer her a tidbit or anything which might fall on the floor. The end result is that she doesn't beg for food - just ice cubes and attention. You’ll see her hanging around the ‘magic ice cube machine’
on the front of the refrigerator.
Directions to our house are very easy as follows:
From the Silverthorne Elementary School, which is on Hamilton Creek Road, drive/ride 1.3 miles up Hamilton Creek Road, then turn right onto Crescent Moon Trail. We’re the 4th house on the left and the address is: 0137 Crescent Moon Trail. For those of you who know Roger and Sue Paluska, they live in the first house on the left of the same road.
We give extra points for those who ride up to the house, but if you’re driving, we have room for some 8-10 cars to park just beyond our driveway in a cul-de-sac; plus you can park along one side of the road to allow others from the few houses beyond us to get past. About 6 can park in our driveway, but you’ll have to back down to get out. If you're concerned, just carpool up from the elementary school. Or, this is where the extra points for riding up the hill come into play.
For those who want to ride from Silverthorne, I'll see you at the elementary school at 8:30 for departure about 8:40 next Monday morning so we can ride up Highway 9 to Ute Pass Road for the ride. If you plan to ride from the school, please email me so we know who'll be there. My email is:
Bob and Jay Gilson, & Kelly
Home phone is: 262-6123 if any questions or problems. My cell phone is: (405) 210-6222 if you're calling when I'm on the bike.

Sunday, July 11
July 12 Ride
If you haven't joined Summit Biking for 2010, go to, click on Membership, and join the rest of us.