Sunday, September 26

September 27 Ride

Hello Summit Bikers,

Good news, the weather is great and the bike ride for September 27 is a go! 
Those that want to ride the new bike path can meet in Silver Plume ready to ride
at 10 am.  Park close to the train station.  We will make our way up old route 6
to Bakersville and then on the new bike path up to Loveland.  Returning via the
same route, most of us will then ride down to Georgetown for lunch at the Happy
Cooker (412 6th Street).  I think we should all be at luinch around 12:30. 
Margaret will be riding from the Georgetown visitor center (towards Idaho
Springs) starting at 10 am if anyone wants to join her and will then meet us all
for lunch. This should be a great way to wrap up the season.  See you there.

John Bowyer

Friday, September 17

September 20 Ride

Hello Summit Bikers,

The numbers have really started to drop off as many people have left the
county.  Biking is still great however, so this week we should meet at the
Dillon Amphitheater parking lot.  It seems that all the leaders are out of the
county this week so people are on their own.  I suggest meeting at 10 am (to get
rid of the morning chill).  Bonnie will have the picnic stuff ready around
noon.  There will be no grill this week however since very few people have
cooked the last couple of weeks.
The last ride of the season September 27 will be a new ride.  We will meet at
Georgetown and either ride to Idaho Springs or up the new bike path from
Bakersville to Loveland.  Lunch will probably be at the Happy Cooker in
Georgetown.  More about this ride next week.
John Bowyer 

Friday, September 3

Tuesday, September 7 Ride

Hello Summit Bikers,

In an attempt to fool mother nature the Monday ride is on Tuesday next week. 
This also avoids the Labor Day crowds.  We will once again venture outside
Summit County to East Vail and attempt once again to either do the Vail Pass or
Vail Trail.  The ride will be from Big horn Park in East Vail.  I am checking on
the availability of the grill and will send out a follow up email.  In any case
plan to bring a dish to share with your friends.  Car pool if you can.

Directions to Big Horn Park:  Go West to exit 180 in East Vail.  Get off on the
right and turn left going under I-70 on Bighorn Road.  Go right on Streamside
Circle.  Stay on Streamside Circle and turn right on Meadow Drive.  Bighorn Park
is on the left ahead.

Hope to see you there.

John Bowyer