With the great weather we have been having hopefully everyone has started riding. But if you have not, now is the time to take the bikes down, clean, oil, check brakes and make sure things are ready for another great season of riding. This seasons rides have been posted at our web site www.summitbiking.org with the first one being Bear Creek in Littleton , May 14. While at the web site be sure to check out the information posted, such as the youth program and safety guidelines. In addition, under the resources tab there are some discounts for items purchased at local bike shops. Now is a great time to renew those memberships as well.
This year there are some major projects going on around the county, such as work on Fremont Pass (widening the shoulder near Copper) and Vail Pass resurfacing. (Anyone riding Vail Pass should be cautious as there are wider gaps this year that a tire could get caught in.) We have taken the timing of these projects into consideration in building the schedule but as always things change so emails will be posted weekly. New rides this year will be a ride up Beaver Creek and a ride to top of Hoosier Pass to watch the pro-cyclist ride over as they leave Breckenridge.
All members are encouraged to let others know about our Monday social rides. In addition, we once again are sponsoring the youth program (12 to 18 year olds) and encourage everyone to let neighbors know. Providing leadership is Peder Hansen, a fifth grade teacher here in Summit County . He can be reached at summitroadies@gmail.com or 970-470-5176. Keeping with the spirit Bob Guthrie showed, bikers of all levels are welcome at all rides. This applies to our youth program as well as our Monday rides.
We are working on offering rides other than Mondays this season. If you would like to join with others to help plan these please get back to me at bikebreck@yahoo.com. Additions will be posted at our website.
It will be great to see everyone again for the summer starting in a couple of weeks.