Sunny; but cool (maybe cold) weather continues. Let's make the most of it.
Louie, Louie (that's Lew and Lou) will be starting from the Dillon bike path benches where the bike path up from Silverthorne intersects with the bike path from Frisco at 10:00 am Wed 9/28 to ride for about 30 miles. Ride to be determined; but likely to include Montezuma.
Please consider joining us.
Tuesday, September 27
Friday, September 23
Monday 9/26 Ride
Monday is the last scheduled ride for 2016.
Meet at Silverthorne's North Pond Park (across from Silverthorne Elemantary School) at 9:30 am.
We have three rides to choose from.
1. North on highway 9 to Ute Pass road. Ride up Ute Pass to the summit and than return the same direction
back to North Pond Park. About 30 miles.
2. Same as ride number 1, but at the summit of Ute pass ride down the east side (4 miles) and than turn around and
return to North Pond Park. About 38 miles.
3. North on highway 9 to Heeney Road, turn left on Heeney road and ride part way around Green Mountain Reservoir,
than turn around and return to North Pond Park. About 48 miles.
Lunch will be at North Pond Park at about 12:30.
There will be no grill, so bring a sandwich and something to share.
9:38 PM

Thursday, September 15
Monday 9/19 Ride
Monday's ride has several options, including Guanella Pass, Loveland Ski Area, Loveland Pass,
or Idaho Springs. We will start our ride at 10:00 am from next to the Georgetown Visitor Center
along Argentine Road (take I 70 and get off at exit 228, the visitor center is on your right) Parking is available along
Argentine Road. The visitor center asked us not to take up all their parking spaces.
Since there are no grills bring a sandwich and a drink for after the ride social hour. Plus please bring something to share with your
fellow riders. The picnic will start around 12:30.
Something to think about, Monday is NATIONAL TALK LIKE A PIRATE DAY.
See you Monday
3:26 PM

Wednesday, September 14
New Colorado Cycling Film at Breck Film Festival
The Breckenridge Film Festival is screening a new Cycling Documentary titled "GODSPEED The Race Across America" at 3pm on September 18th in Breckenridge CO. Information on the film is available at
8:38 PM

Tuesday, August 16
Guthrie BikeTrail trash pick up day
Hi fellow bikers
Tomorrow, Wednesday, August 17th is our Guthrie bike trail cleanup day. We're meeting at 9:30 AM by the pit toilets in Summit Cove parking lot. Our adopted segment is actually pretty clean, so we'll probably be able to ride around the lake. I would suggest that you bring a small backpack lined with a plastic bag for any trash you might pick up. I'll bring some disposable gloves.
Bob Giordano, President Summit Biking
Bob Giordano, President Summit Biking
3:07 PM

August 22 Bike Ride
Hello Summit Bikers,
Sorry we did not have a grill August 15 but Bonnie and I miss communicated.
Next weeks ride has several options, including Guanella Pass, Loveland Ski Area or Idaho Springs. Be ready to ride at 10 am from next to the Georgetown Visitor Center along Argentine Road (take exit 228 off I 70). Parking is available along Argentine Road and the visitor center asked us not to take up all their parking. Since there are no grills bring a sandwich and a drink for after the ride during our social hour following the ride as well as a dish to share with your friends. The picnic will start around 12:15, although the Guanella Pass riders may need more time. The road to Guanella Pass has been chipped sealed and is rough to ride down.
I have had a great time putting the rides together this season and am sure Don Hansen will continue to do a great job.
Ride Safe!
John Bowyer
8:17 AM

Monday, August 8
August 15 Bike Ride
Hello Summit Bikers;
Below is a route through Silverthorne. Do not worry about the many turns since most of them are easy to follow once you riding the route. The recpath does go by the outlets (watch for walkers) and the route does cross Route 9 twice so caution is advised. Please print this out and have for the ride. If lost ride downhill as the recpath is along the Blue River. We hope to have a photographer take a picture as we wind down the dam. If you have a SummitBiking Jersey please wear it and hopefully we will have a sunny day.
Dillon Amphitheater – Start
Go toward the dam
R on Silverthorne path
to N. Pond
R End of Path (Allegra Dr)
R at stop sign (Hamilton Cr Rd)
Ride to top and turn
L on Lakeview Circle
Complete Lakeview Circle turn
L at bottom of Circle
(continuation of Hamilton Cr Road)
(continuation of Hamilton Cr Road)
R on Bald Eagle
Cross Rt 9 to Golden Eagle
L on Falcon Dr.
L on Golden Eagle
L on Two Cabins
R on Arnica Ln
L on Currant Way (easy to miss)
L on Hunters Knob Rd
R Game Trail Rd
R on Rt 9
L at N. Pond
R on Allegra Dr.
L on Recpath
Return to Start
Picnic start 11:45 or so
An alternative route is to ride down the Dam and through Silverthorne to North Pond (end of the recpath) and return, riding the dam to Frisco and returning around 11:45. We will have a grill so please bring something to grill, a drink and to share with your friends.
An alternative route is to ride down the Dam and through Silverthorne to North Pond (end of the recpath) and return, riding the dam to Frisco and returning around 11:45. We will have a grill so please bring something to grill, a drink and to share with your friends.
If there is an emergency my cell number is 970 393-2190.
Margaret and I will be gone from the end of August through the rest of the biking season. Don Hansen will be leading the group during this period.
Ride Safe and have fun!
John Bowyer
2:45 PM

Sunday, August 7
Annual Meeting Reminder
The Summit Biking Annual Members Meeting is scheduled for Monday August 8th at the Dillon Marina/Amphitheater park immediately following the Monday Group Ride and Pot Luck Lunch. Please plan to attend if possible.
8:04 PM

Tuesday, August 2
August 8 Bike Ride -- Tour De Soda -- and Annual Meeting
Hello Summit Bikers,
Next week, August 8 we are having the Summit Biking Annual Meeting and I have planned a new ride for us. Plan to meet at the Dillon Amphitheater at 9:30am ready to ride. The meeting will begin at noon so be sure to be back in plenty of time to eat something and be ready. We will not have a grill so plan to bring a sandwich, as well as something to share and drink.
The new route takes us to the River Run Area of Keystone, then out to the Old Ranch House, through Soda Creek and back to the Amphitheater. Please print out the directions below and have them with you. The route will take many of you to places you have not ridden. I will ask some riders to post at a few of the turns so hopefully people do not get lost. If you are asked to post wait for about 10 riders then ask another to post. Places where riders will be asked to post are shown with an " * ".
Bike path to River Run Area of Keystone
(some may prefer different routes)
On road through Mountain House Area and
past area where we normally weave through the fence
To Keystone Ranch House Road
Just before the Ranch Restaurant turn left to stay on
Keystone Ranch House Road
At end of road return to weave through fence
(normal place where we ride)
You should be on Elk Spur Lane
Go straight / left at Elk Circle
*Go left on River Course Drive and stay to far right on
what appears to be a sidewalk (It is the community
*Stay on path until the end and go right (It looks like a
golf path) and is steep in places
Stay straight on the path crossing over a road*Follow the path to the left watch for small section of
hard pack dirt at end
Ride through Condo Parking lot turn Right on Summit Drive
Left onto Vail Circle
Left onto Summit Drive / Cove Blvd
Left on Whispering Pines Ranch Road
Left on Forest Glen Road
Right on Royal Coachman Blvd
At Coachman Court get on bike path
Return to Start
The route should take about 2 hours, but if you know you are behind return to the start for the meeting. Lunch and the meeting will be in the picnic area shelter over looking the lake.
Ride safe!
John Bowyer
12:08 PM

Wednesday, July 27
August 1 Bike Ride
Hello Summit Bikers,
Next Monday, August 1 we will once again venture outside Summit County to East Vail. The ride will be from Big Horn Park, starting at 10 am. There will be a grill available so plan to bring something to cook (more people either need to use the grill or we should stop having it), a drink and a dish to share with your friends. For those who would like to car pool meet at the west end of Frisco at the parking lot at 8:45 am. Carpools are recommended as parking is tight. Multiple rides are available from Big Horn, including West Vail Pass and the Gore Trail trough Vail and onto Minturn or Edwards. The picnic will start around noon.
Directions to Big Horn Park: Go West to exit 180 in East Vail. Get off on the right and turn left going under I-70 on Bighorn Road. Go right on Streamside Circle. Stay on Streamside Circle and turn right on Meadow Drive. Bighorn Park is on the left ahead.
Remember the tourist are in town (West Vail also gets many downhill riders), slow down and do not cut corners. Use hand signals and let others verbally know where you are.
Ride safe and have fun!
John Bowyer
2:58 PM

Tuesday, July 19
July 25 Ride
Hello Summit Bikers,
All had a great time last week eating ice cream provided by Bob Gilson. Thank you and Jay for sharing your house once again with us.
Next weeks ride, July 25, takes us out of the county to Turquoise Lake near Leadville. This is beautiful ride with great views of the lake and the mountains around it. Please be ready to ride at 10 am. We will meet at the Maid of Erin parking area. To get there take route 91 at the Copper exit toward Leadville. As you enter Leadville there will be a Safeway on your right at a stop light. Take a right at the stop light (Mountain View Drive) and follow the signs toward the golf course. As you near the golf course there are signs for Turquoise Lake. Follow these until you reach road 9C, take a right here and the Maid of Erin Parking area is on the left. (If you reach the dam you have driven past the turn.) There is a small fee, reduced for those with Access Cards. Fee envelopes are available as you enter the parking area. Please bring a pen to complete the envelope. If this area is full there is free parking near the dam (which is a short bike ride or walk back to the picnic area). To reach the dam go out of the Maid of Erin parking area and take the first right, go past the road you drove in on and park on the right just before the dam. To walk back to the picnic area after the ride follow the path along the lake, it takes about 5 minutes.
I normally ride counter clockwise, control my speed and look ahead for potential problems. Since this is a circle those that want a shorter ride should plan to turn around. Remember this is on a rode so stay to the right and watch out for pot holes.
I think we will have a grill but am still checking. Plan to bring something to eat for lunch as well as something to share with your friends and a drink.
Those that would like to car pool are encouraged to meet at the west end of Frisco in the parking lot at 8:45. If the chance of rain in the morning is over 50 percent an email will be sent out Sunday night.
Since we have so many new people this year I thought I should give everyone some of the basic stuff. If it is raining when the ride is to start there will be no ride. I do look at the forecast and will send out an email the night before, especially if we are going out of the county. Rides out of the county start at 10 am, all others are at 9:30. All riders are required to use helmets.
Ride safe and have fun!
John Bowyer
7:04 PM

Monday, July 11
July 18 Ride
Hello Summit Bikers,
Bob Gilson said if we wanted an ice cream picnic at his place it would have to be next week so the schedule has been changed.
The ride July 18 is to Ute Pass. There will be two starting points; North Pond in Silverthorne starting at 8:30 am (A group riders -- faster group perhaps with pace line) or from the bottom of Ute Pass road at 9:30 am (where Ute Pass intersects Route 9). I plan to leave from Silverthorne, so if I am not at the bottom of Ute Pass at that start go without me.
The reward for the trip will be a picnic hosted by Bob and Jay Gilson in Hamilton Creek, Silverthorne. They will have a propane grill available for those who want to cook. As usual, bring something to eat and something to share with your friends as well as your drink. As a special treat, Bob intends to make some ice cream which will go as far as it goes, since he never knows how many people will be there.
Below are the details from Bob:
I plan to make some ice cream for the Ute Pass post-ride picnic at our house next Monday, 7/18. I expect to have plenty, but you just never know who the professional ice cream eaters are out there. The picnic will be on our deck and in the house, so please leave your bike shoes off at the porch, since we don't really have a lawn, and the view is prettier from the deck anyway. We have about 6-8 deck chairs and about the same inside. The deck rail is 2x8 flat, so it makes a good rest for a glass or dish.
From the Silverthorne Elementary School, which is on Hamilton Creek Road, drive/ride 1.3 miles up Hamilton Creek Road, then turn right onto Crescent Moon Trail. We're the 4th house on the left and the address is: 0137 Crescent Moon Trail. For those of you who know Roger and Sue Paluska, they live in the first house on the left of the same road.
We give extra points for those who ride up to the house, but if you're driving, we have room for some 8-10 cars to park just beyond our driveway in a cul-de-sac; plus you can park along one side of the road to allow others from the few houses beyond us to get past. About 6 can park in our driveway, but you'll have to back down to get out. If you're concerned, just carpool up from the elementary school. Or... this is where the extra points for riding up the hill come into play.
Bob' home phone is: 262-6123 if any questions or problems. His cell phone is: (405) 210-6222 if you're calling while we are on the ride.
There have been several close calls on the path so be sure to ride defensively. Many tourist are around and although not all problems are caused by them they sometimes forget when on vacation that other people use the paths.
Ride safe
John Bowyer
10:16 PM

Tuesday, July 5
July 11 Ride
Hello Summit Bikers,
Next weeks ride, July 11, is to Montezuma or Loveland Pass. Those riding to either A-Basin or Loveland Pass please use caution as all hazmat trucks use Loveland Pass as well as many visitors.
Meet at the Dillon Amphitheater at 9:30 am ready to ride. We will have a grill so bring something to cook and share with your friends. As always bring your own drink. Aim to be at the picnic around noon.
Remember to use hand signals and ride safe.
In case of emergency my cell number is 970 393-2190.
John Bowyer
In case of emergency my cell number is 970 393-2190.
John Bowyer
9:45 AM

Tuesday, June 28
No Ride July 4
Hello Summit Bikers,
We do not have a ride on the Fourth of July. This is a very busy week on the recpaths in Summit County and I urge everyone to use extra caution when riding. Select routes to avoid people as much as possible. Rides like Vail Pass are particularly dangerous.
Next week we will be back on schedule.
Happy Fourth!
John Bowyer
10:57 AM

Thursday, June 23
Friday Morning Ride - Same Time, Same Place (10 am at the benches)
Tomorrow we'll head up towards Keystone but once we go through the gate at the golf course we'll head right and head up toward Keystone Ranch. The road looks freshly paved.
Those who are so inclined are welcome to head further up towards Keystone, Montezuma or Loveland Pass.
Meet at the usual time & place (10 am at the benches)
Call or Email w/Questions
(614) 264-5407 Mobile
5:26 PM

June 27 Bike Ride
Hello Summit Bikers,
Next weeks ride is either to Copper or Vail Pass starting at the Frisco Marina at 9:30. A picnic will follow at the Marina around noon. We will not have a grill but bring something to eat and share with your friends, as well as a drink. Folding chairs are also good. I realize that many of you just did this ride but Wednesday's ride was added to accommodate Ride to Work Day and this was scheduled six months ago.
Watch for the down hill riders! Be sure to use hand signals, and keep others informed when passing.
Ride safe and have fun!
John Bowyer
7:49 AM

Wednesday, June 15
Friday Morning Ride around the Lake\
The weekly Leaderless/Show-N-Go rides around Lake Dillon continue Friday (7/17). Meet at the benches on the East end of the dam where the bike path comes up from Silverthorne. Be ready to roll at 10am. If no one else has a better idea we will ride around the lake clockwise and end up at the Dillon Market for lunch (bring or buy). Remember you can extend this ride up to towards Keystone, Breckenridge or Copper if you like.
Last Friday we had ~20 riders show up for a beautiful ride around the lake.
Don't look for me there this week.
9:46 PM

Tuesday, June 14
June 20 and June 22 Rides
Hello Summit Bikers,
Next week (June 20) we will try once again to ride around the Lake from the Dillon Amphitheater parking lot starting at 9:30 am. This gives us an opportunity to take a look at where the temporary bike path is being built. Those who want can add the extension up to Copper, just plan to be back to socialize by noon. We will have a grill so plan to bring something to cook as well as a dish to share and something to drink. Anyone willing to start the grill please let me know. I have all the stuff but with Bonnie out this week (time to go bionic with a new knee) I could use some help.
Bonus ride June 22 for Ride to Work day I will be leading a ride from Whole Foods starting at 10 am. The plan is to do a ride up to Vail Pass and down to the gate at Black Lakes. Whole Foods will be providing breakfast and coffee between 7 and 10. Those that have the club jerseys are encouraged to wear them. We will have a booth where we will educate the public about the accomplishments of our club and perhaps pick up a few new members. We will do lunch at Whole Foods afterwards where I have requested a discount for bikers. For those that ride all day Silverthorne is hosting a beer, brat ($5) and music celebration at the Pavilion at 5 pm. Other events happen throughout Summit County.
Ride safe!!
John Bowyer
9:37 PM

Sunday, June 12
Wed 6/15 ride
Ride The Rockies is riding through town and somewhat limits the options. I suggest we meet at the Dillon amphitheater parking lot at 9:30 AM and head to the top of Swan Mountain clockwise. We will regroup at the top and turn back. That way we avoid the bike traffic going through town.
9:11 PM

Ride The Rockies in Summit County Tues/Wed
The 2400 cyclists of Ride The Rockies will be coming from Aspen to Copper mountain via Independence Pass, Leadville and Fremont Pass Monday June13. They will be doing the traditional clockwise Copper Triangle Route on Tuesday 6/14 and then headed from Copper to Grand Lake via Frisco, Silverthorne & Ute Pass Wednesday. As such bike path from Vail Pass to Copper Mountain will be in HEAVY use Tuesday afternoon as will the path from Copper Mtn through Frisco to Silverthorne on Wednesday morning. Be particularly careful trying to ride in the opposite direction!
7:30 PM

Thursday, June 9
Friday Morning Show-N-Go Ride
Tomorrow - Friday 3/10 starts the weekly Leaderless/Show-N-Go rides around Lake Dillon. We meet at the benches on the East end of the dam where the bike path comes up from Silverthorne. Start time is 10am. I'll be leaving Angler Mtn Ranch at 9:30 if anybody want to ride up the dam with me.
We'll ride around the lake clockwise – Swan Mtn Bike Path, past the high school, past the hospital and cross over Rt9 near Water Dance. We come by the Frisco Marina and back along the dam bike path.
Bring a lunch or walk around the Dillon Market and grab some food. The ride is ~17 miles so we should be back by 11:30 or so.
Riders of all abilities are welcome.
Call or Email if you have questions
(614) 264-5407 Mobile
2:35 PM

Tuesday, June 7
Wednesday June 8 Dillon to Montezuma ride 9:30 AM
I will be organizing some informal Wednesday rides.
This Wednesday we will meet at the Dillon Marina parking lot at 9:30AM. We will ride on the shoulder of HWY 6 to Montezuma road. There would be a a short regroup by Montezuma Rd and the Keystone parking lot. We then will proceed to climb up to Montezuma (to the end of the paved road). We will turn back and regroup again by Montezuma Rd and the Keystone parking lot. The last leg would be back to the Dillon Marina on the shoulder of HWY 6.
See you on Wednesday,
This Wednesday we will meet at the Dillon Marina parking lot at 9:30AM. We will ride on the shoulder of HWY 6 to Montezuma road. There would be a a short regroup by Montezuma Rd and the Keystone parking lot. We then will proceed to climb up to Montezuma (to the end of the paved road). We will turn back and regroup again by Montezuma Rd and the Keystone parking lot. The last leg would be back to the Dillon Marina on the shoulder of HWY 6.
See you on Wednesday,
7:26 AM

Monday, June 6
June 13 Lake Dillon Bike Ride
Hello Summit Bikers,
June 13 we will meet at 9:30am in the parking lot for Dillon Amphitheater for a ride around Lake Dillon. For those new to our group we will ride up Swan Mountain where our club was a factor in raising the funds needed for this section. Faster riders can add to this ride with a trip up to Copper from Frisco. We plan to have a grill so bring a dish to share, something to drink and to grill.
Stay alert when riding and ride safe.
John Bowyer
3:46 PM

Friday, June 3
REMINDER: Pearl Izumi Open House Monday June 6th
Pearl Izumi is hosting an "Open House" for Summit Biking at their shop in the Silverthorne Factory Stores this Monday, June 6th from 3pm to 5pm. They will be providing refreshments as well as a special increased discount for Summit Biking members. It should be a great opportunity to see friends and get anything you need to be ready for the summer cycling season!
9:09 AM

Wednesday, June 1
June 6 Bike Ride
Hello Summit Bikers,
Unfortunately Bonnie just found out has another meeting on Monday and since I may not be there we will not have a grill. The picnic will take place as planned at North Pond. Please bring something to share and whatever you would like to eat and drink.
John Bowyer
9:34 PM

Friday Morning Ride Up To Montezuma
The weekly Friday morning rides start this Friday 6/3. The current weather report looks good so I would like to head up to Montezuma and see what the road conditions are like.
If you are interested, meet at the benches in Dillon on the bike path at 10am. If you are so inclined, bring a lunch and we'll stop at a picnic table in Montezuma on the way back down.
Call or email if you have questions.
(614) 264-5407 Mobile
If you are interested, meet at the benches in Dillon on the bike path at 10am. If you are so inclined, bring a lunch and we'll stop at a picnic table in Montezuma on the way back down.
Call or email if you have questions.
(614) 264-5407 Mobile
8:56 PM

New Summit Biking Jerseys Available!
We finally have an all new Summit Biking Jersey design & style created with the help of the folks at Primal Wear!
It will be a full zip jersey with the same graphic on both the front and back. There are both women's and men's versions available and the price is $70 including tax & shipping.
An artist's rendition is available at:
Fit kits for sizing will be available at our June Monday rides starting this coming Monday, June 6th. Sizing measurements are also available online at
Jerseys can be pre-ordered June 6 - 30 through the Primal Custom Pro Online Store.
Full details and ordering links are available on our website at
Many thanks to Polly Koch for leading this effort.
8:31 PM

June 6 Bike Ride
Hi Summit Bikers,
Sorry I made a mistake on the email for next weeks ride, it should have said June 6, Monday for the ride.
Also one way to verify you are signed up for the new google group is you should be getting this message twice, once from yahoo groups and once from google. If you think you have paid your dues and responded to the message for google groups but are not receiving two messages ask Rick Oshlo ( to look into it. Of course when we stop yahoo groups you will not receive that message any more.
John Bowyer
9:16 AM

Tuesday, May 31
June 7 Bike Ride
Hello Summit Bikers,
IMPORTANT: To continue receiving emails everyone needs to be in the new Summitbiking google group. This requires paying the annual dues AND accepting the invitation to join the group. Some have paid but not accepted the invitation. If you did not receive the invitation or did not respond contact Rick Oshloel ( to have the invitation sent again.
Several people have asked about paying dues so I am providing the following.
The club prefers that everyone sign up on line at the club web site under membership. The pay system is handled by PayPal and you can use any credit card. The alternative way is to make a check out to Summit Biking and mail to:
Summit Biking Inc
℅ Roger Paluska
P.O. Box 968
Frisco, CO 80443
℅ Roger Paluska
P.O. Box 968
Frisco, CO 80443
If you prefer sending a check in also complete the membership application that will have to be downloaded from the web site.
Either way you will get an email asking you to confirm that you want to join summitbiking google group, which you will need to click on acceptance.
Next weeks ride will be Green Mountain Reservoir. The start of the ride is at the intersection of Route 9 and Heeney Road, approximately 20 miles north of Silverthorne. Plan to be ready to ride at 9:30 am. Most of the parking is on route 9 at the intersection with Heeney Road. Be careful crossing route 9 as it is a busy road. Heeney Road is not very busy but it is a road with some traffic and people are encouraged to ride single file near the shoulder. This is the only Summit County ride with rolling hills as you ride on the west side of the reservoir. Afterwords, we will have a picnic at North Pond in Silverthorne. North Pond is across from the elementary school at the corner of Hamilton Creek Road and Route 9. Please bring something to share with your friends, whatever you want to drink and something to grill as we will have a grill. Bob Giordano has agreed to lead next weeks ride. Since last weeks ride had several turns and we do not want to lose riders this week we start at the meeting point ride until we get a dirt road and then turn around and come back to the cars.
Tourist are back in town so be careful ride safe and have fun!
John Bowyer
10:08 PM

Thursday, May 26
CDOT Hwy 9 Open House Addendum
Apparently I didn't adequately proofread the earlier post and left off the time. The CDOT Open House is Wed June 1st at 5:30pm at the Senior Center.
6:53 PM

CDOT Hwy 9 Project Open Houst
CDOT is holding an Open House for the Highway 9 Iron Springs realignment project on Wednesday June 1st at the Summit Senior Center in Frisco. This is an opportunity for anyone interested to learn more and ask questions regarding the project, traffic impacts, bike path alignment and construction impacts, etc.
6:12 PM

Pearl Izumi Open House June 6th
Pearl Izumi has extended Summit Biking an invitation to a special "Open House" at their shop in the Silverthorne Factory Stores on Monday, June 6th from 3pm to 5pm. They will be providing refreshments as well as a special increased discount for Summit Biking members. It should be a great opportunity to see friends and get anything you need to be ready for the summer cycling season!
8:49 AM

Monday, May 23
May 30 Bike Ride
Hello Summit Bikers,
IMPORTANT: There will be a new way to contact people this year, through Google Groups. In order to keep getting this email you must join Summit Bikers by the end of May.
We had a great turn out for the start of our bike season.
Next weeks ride May 30 will be between Idaho Springs and Georgetown and back. We will meet at the Courtney Riley Cooper Park in Idaho Springs at 10 a.m. ready to ride. To get to the park take exit 239 from I 70, and go straight on Colorado. Boulevard. (This way avoids some of the road work taking place at exit 240) The park is on the left next to the creek. The drive takes about 45 minutes. We will have a grill (Bonnie is back in town) so bring something to cook and something to share with your friends. As always bring what you would like to drink. Plan to be back for the picnic between 12:30 and 1:00.
Riders are encouraged to use hand signals so others are aware of turns, stops and road obstacles.
Get others to come along. This is an active area and many of your neighbors may want to ride with a group.
In case of a breakdown on the day of the ride call my cell number is

John Bowyer
7:51 PM

Wednesday, May 18
May 23 Bike Ride
Hello Summit Bikers,
Just back to Colorado and found I am late getting the first ride information out to the group. It is time to take the bikes out, oil things make sure all is working as well as find those bike clothes. This season`s first ride will be held Monday May 23 starting west of the 470 loop near Bear Creek Lake Park at the Morrison exit. There will be no picnic this week. Those wanting to stay for lunch can join me at the Red Rocks Grill in Morrison. They are located at 415 Bear Creek Avenue. I will have a table for 12 reserved for 1 pm in the name of Summit Bikers. I will be asking for a sweep to help insure no one is left behind. This is new this year but in the past we have had new people get lost on our rides and this is not a great way to be introduced to the group. If we rotate sweep duties people should only have to do this once during the year.
Directions to Ride
To get to the start of the ride go east on 70 toward Denver and get off on 470 south. Take 470 to the Morrison exit and turn right. The parking lot is on the right at the corner of S. Rooney Road and Morrison Road. If you are late, the bike path is across Morrison Road from the parking area, then ride east under 470. The drive from exit 205 (Silverthorne) to the start is approximately 1 hour. Plan to be ready to ride by 10 am. If it appears likely that it will rain during the ride I will send an email out the afternoon before canceling.
This season`s rides are on the website There is a lot of other useful information on the site such as safety tips and where Summit Bikers can get discounts at local bike shops. Members without a life time membership should use the website and join for the 2016 bike season. This is also a great time to tell others about our rides, since most Summit Country people are very active.
IMPORTANT: There will be a new way to contact people this year, through Google Groups. In order to keep getting this email you must join Summit Bikers by the end of May.
Looking forward to another great season of rides, with a wonderful group!
John Bowyer
1:58 PM

Friday, May 13
First Monday Ride
Weather permitting, our first Monday ride is May 23rd at 10am in Bear Creek Park off of Morrison Rd and C-470 in Denver!
3:00 PM

Tuesday, April 5
Summit Biking 2016 Update
Spring is just around the corner in Summit County and many of our thoughts are turning toward the cycling season ahead. The Summit Biking board has been busy the last few months getting ready and is looking forward to our first organized ride in early May.
A letter and update on the upcoming season from Bob Gioradano, Summit Biking's President, and brief bios of the board members are in the attached pdf document.
A letter and update on the upcoming season from Bob Gioradano, Summit Biking's President, and brief bios of the board members are in the attached pdf document.
9:49 AM

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