Thursday, June 22

June 26 Bike Ride

Hello Summit Bikers,

Ruth Halley pointed out an error in my directions so I road the route today to make sure there were no other problems.  I found that at the point where we use to be able to ride on dirt for about ten feet we must now get off the bike since stones have been laid that make it impossible to ride.  Before we ride this again I will modify the route to avoid this section but do not have time to do it for this year.  The following is the corrected version of our June 26 ride.   Important changes are in bold.  The ride has some beautiful views of the Gore Range and the Ranch Golf Course at Keystone.

Bike path to River Run Area of Keystone
(some may prefer different routes)
Then start back on road through Mountain House Area
Stay on road and make first left
Ride past area where we normally weave through the fence
To Keystone Ranch House Road
Just before the Ranch Restaurant turn left to stay on
Keystone Ranch House Road
At end of road turn around, returning to weave through fence
(normal place where we ride)
You should be on Elk Spur Lane
Go straight / left at Elk Circle
*Go left on River Course Drive and stay to far right on
what appears to be a sidewalk (It is the community
*Stay on path until the end and go right (It looks like a
golf path) and is steep in places
Stay straight on the path crossing over a road
*Follow the path to the left watch for small section of
hard pack dirt at end Get off your bike
Ride through Condo Parking lot turn Left on Summit Drive
Left onto Vail Circle
Left onto Summit Drive / Cove Blvd
Left on Whispering Pines Ranch Road
Left on Forest Glen Road
Right on Royal Coachman Blvd
At Coachman Court get on bike path
Return to Start

See you Monday 9:30 at the Dillon amphitheater parking lot.

John Bowyer

Tuesday, June 20

June 21st and 26th Bike Rides

Wednesday June 21 is Bike To Work day around the county and there is a lot going on for bikers.  I plan to be at Whole Foods in Frisco around 8:45 am for their free breakfast.  Please park away from the store so we do not take all the prime parking. After breakfast the plan is to bike to Silverthorne. Silverthorne is offering a bingo game whereby you fill out  your bingo cards by stopping by the designated businesses, I will have about 20 extra bingo cards with me. Sauce on the Blue will have a pizza and beer party for $5 starting at 4.30 pm.There will be a drawing of the bingo cards during the party. I hear there are some good prizes so be sure to stop by the businesses to get your card checked off.

It would be nice for members to wear their new Summit Biking shirts or their Classic ones.

On June 26 the ride will be from the Dillon Amphitheater parking lot at 9:30 and go to the River Run area of Keystone.

The new route takes us to the River Run Area of Keystone,  then out to the Old Ranch House, through Soda Creek and back to the Amphitheater.  Please print out the directions below and have them with you.  The route will take many of you to places you have not ridden.  I will ask some riders to post at a few of the turns so hopefully people do not get lost.  If you are asked to post wait for about 10 riders then ask another to post. Places where riders will be asked to post are shown with an " * ".


Bike path to River Run Area of Keystone
(some may prefer different routes)
Then start back on road through Mountain House Area and
past area where we normally weave through the fence
To Keystone Ranch House Road
Just before the Ranch Restaurant turn left to stay on
Keystone Ranch House Road
At end of road turn around, returning to weave through fence
(normal place where we ride)
You should be on Elk Spur Lane
Go straight / left at Elk Circle
*Go left on River Course Drive and stay to far right on
what appears to be a sidewalk (It is the community
*Stay on path until the end and go right (It looks like a
golf path) and is steep in places
Stay straight on the path crossing over a road
*Follow the path to the left watch for small section of
hard pack dirt at end
Ride through Condo Parking lot turn Right on Summit Drive
Left onto Vail Circle
Left onto Summit Drive / Cove Blvd
Left on Whispering Pines Ranch Road
Left on Forest Glen Road
Right on Royal Coachman Blvd
At Coachman Court get on bike path
Return to Start

The route should take about 2 hours.  We will have a grill available.  Please bring a dish to share with your friends and as always something to drink.  Plan to be back for lunch around 11:45.  Since we have so many new riders people are asked to where a name tag.  Any name tag will do.

If you have not taken the time to look at our web site ( it has a lot of information on biking in general and Summit County specifically.  Rick Oshlo has put many hours into creating a very useful web site.  While there if any of you have not paid this year's dues ($10 per person) it is very easy to do so.

The tourist are everywhere!  I just try to remember that without them we would not have so many amenities, so smile and say hello as you ride by.  Ride safe!

John Bowyer

Wednesday, June 14

June 19 Bike Ride

Hello Summit Bikers,

Next weeks ride, June 19, is either to Copper or Vail Pass starting at the Frisco Marina at 9:30.  A picnic will follow at the Marina around noon.  We will not have a grill but bring something to eat and a dish to share with your friends, as well as what you would like to drink.  Folding chairs are also good, although the grass (the non smoking kind) is good.

On Wednesday June 21 Summit County is doing Bike to Work Day.  There are many places around the county with morning refreshments.  Whole Foods did a nice job last year and will be starting with coffee and breakfast stuff early - 7 am or so.  I will be there around 8:30 and we can do a ride around the lake afterwards.

Be cautious riding Vail Pass as there are all ready many downhill people taking the shuttles up.  In addition, use hand signals, and keep others informed when passing.

Ride safe and have fun!

John Bowyer

Tuesday, June 13

Wednesday Informal Ride

Lew Dymond is planning to ride tomorrow, Wed., June,14 from Frisco Marina, leaving at 9:45 am, if anyone wants to join with me. Planned route. Frisco Marina bike path to Revett Drive to Tiger Road, to Estates Drive up and back, to Gold Run Road, to Highlands Drive to Breckenridge, return via bike path. Total Distance 28 miles with 1,850' of elevation gain.

Thursday, June 8

Casual Rides Around the Lake Start Tomorrow (Friday 6/9)

Join us for a casual ride around the lake and end up at the Dillon Farmers Market.  The ride (~17 miles) starts at 9:30 from the benches in Dillon.  This is where the bike path comes up from Silverthorne.
If anyone is riding from the Silverthorne area, we leave Angler Mtn Ranch at 9 am.
Call or Email If you have questions –
(614) 264-5407 Mobile

Tuesday, June 6

June 12 Bike Ride -- Changed Start Location

We had a great turn out June 5 with many new people.

Due to the work in Dillon we have to change the start of next weeks ride. Meet at the South end of the Breckenridge Recreational Center (near the ball fields) at 9:30 am ready to ride.  The address of the Breckenridge Recreational Center is 880 Airport Road.  The ride is around Lake Dillon.  Those that want a slightly easier ride can ride to Frisco and Dillon and return.  We will have a grill so bring something to cook and share with your friends.  As always bring your own drink.  Aim to be at the picnic around 11:30.  In order to get to know names better everyone is encouraged to bring a name tag to the picnics.  We all know some of the people but it is always good to get to know more.

As a reminder this Wednesday, June 7, is a bikers happy hour at Bakers Brewery (531 Silverthorne Lane, Silverthorne) at 5 pm. 

Next Monday, June 12 Pearl Isumi is holding a special sale for Summit Biking with an additional 20 percent off of everything in the store and a door prize drawing for an opportunity to win a Pearl Isumi gift card.  Light refreshments will be served.  Come check out the products at the Pearl Isumi location in the Silverthorne Outlets from 3-5 pm.

The most important part of the bike is the chain.  Keep it clean and oiled.  It should be checked for replacement after 2000 miles of riding in the mountains.  When riding be sure to use hand signals and ride safe.  Stay to the right hand side and stop out of the flow of traffic.

In case of emergency my cell number is 970 393-2190.

John Bowyer
