Hello Summit Bikers,Next Monday, August 5 we will once again venture outside Summit County to East Vail. The ride will be from Big Horn Park, starting at 10 am. Plan to bring a dish to share, your sandwich and a drink. For those who would like to car pool meet at the west end of Frisco at the parking lot at 9 am. Carpools are recommended as parking is tight. Multiple rides are available from Big Horn, including West Vail Pass and the Gore Trail trough Vail and onto Minturn or Edwards. The picnic will start around noon. If the chance of rain is high I will put out an email Sunday evening.
Directions to Big Horn Park: Go West to exit 180 in East Vail. Get off on the right and turn left going under I-70 on Bighorn Road. Go right on Streamside Circle. Stay on Streamside Circle and turn right on Meadow Drive. Bighorn Park is on the left ahead.Remember the tourist are in town (West Vail also gets many downhill riders), slow down and do not cut corners. Use hand signals and let others verbally know where you are.Ride safe and have fun!
Tuesday, July 30
August 5 Ride
1:01 PM

Monday, July 29
Fw: Photos from Today's group road ride
Michael Margolis joined us for today's ride and took the attached pictures. Thanks Mike for sharing these.
8:53 PM

Monday, July 22
July 29 Bike Ride
Hello Summit Bikers,
Next week's ride, July 29, is either to Copper or Vail Pass starting at the Dillon Amphitheater parking lot. A picnic will follow around noon, so plan to be back by then. We will not have a grill but bring something to eat and a dish to share with your friends, as well as what you would like to drink. Remember to bring those name tags and mingle with others at the picnic. We all get into long conversations with close friends and forget that new people are left out.
Our annual meeting will follow the ride starting at 12:30. Lets have the same enthusiasm we saw at this weeks ice cream social.
Be cautious riding Vail Pass as there are many downhill people taking the shuttles up. In addition, use hand signals, and keep others informed when passing.
Ride safe and have fun!
9:01 PM

Bike racks for sale
Yakima FrontLoader (pair) and Thule Evo SquareBar 135cm set for sale.

Racks sell for $209 each and the bars for $340 plus $60 for (4) locks. Bar mounting compatibility can be checked at the above site. All the keys. Near new condition! $820 from the manufacturers or REI. $220 for the racks or rails, $400 for the entire rig. (Breckenridge)
Neil Groundwater
970-547-1320 / 719-310-2635
3:52 PM

Wednesday, July 17
July 22 Ride
Hello Summit Bikers,
The ride around Turquoise Lake was outstanding with about 50 riders. I suspect we will have even more riders for this week.
The ride July 22 is to Ute Pass. There will be two starting points; North Pond in Silverthorne starting at 8:45 am (A group riders -- faster group perhaps with pace line) or from the bottom of Ute Pass road at 9:30 am (where Ute Pass intersects Route 9). I plan to leave from Silverthorne, so if I am not at the bottom of Ute Pass at that start go without me.
The reward for the trip will be a picnic hosted by Bob and Jay Gilson in Hamilton Creek, Silverthorne. They will have a propane grill available for those who want to cook. As usual, bring something to eat and something to share with your friends as well as your drink. As a special treat, Bob intends to make some ice cream which will go as far as it goes, since he never knows how many people will be there. So far we have never run out, but the crowd does keep getting larger. To not interfere with the ice cream frenzy that normally happens we have decided to delay the annual meeting until the following week.
Below are the details from Bob:
I plan to make some ice cream for the Ute Pass post-ride picnic at our house next Monday, 7/22. I expect to have plenty, but you just never know who the professional ice cream eaters are out there. The picnic will be on our deck and in the house, so please leave your bike shoes off at the porch, since we don't really have a lawn, and the view is prettier from the deck anyway. We have about 6-8 deck chairs and about the same inside. The deck rail is 2x8 flat, so it makes a good rest for a glass or dish.
From the Silverthorne Elementary School, which is on Hamilton Creek Road, drive/ride 1.3 miles up Hamilton Creek Road, then turn right onto Crescent Moon Trail. We're the 4th house on the left and the address is: 0137 Crescent Moon Trail. For those of you who know Roger and Sue Paluska, they live in the first house on the left of the same road.
We give extra points for those who ride up to the house, but if you're driving, we have room for some 8-10 cars to park just beyond our driveway in a cul-de-sac; plus you can park along one side of the road to allow others from the few houses beyond us to get past. About 6 can park in our driveway, but you'll have to back down to get out. If you're concerned, just carpool up from the elementary school. Or... this is where the extra points for riding up the hill come into play.
Bob's home phone is: 262-6123 if any questions or problems. His cell phone is: (405) 210-6222 if you're calling while we are on the ride.
Recently you may have notice an item being sold on Summit Biking other than a biking item. The person has been contacted and since they repeated the offence may be removed from using Summit Biking. Our policy is to allow only biking related items so members are not inundated with junk. Most of the time members respect this rule.
Ride safe
John Bowyer
5:06 PM

Sunday, July 14
Bike Ride July 15
Hello Summit Bikers,
Good news we are still on for Leadville, Monday July 15. I was concerned about the weather but it now looks like storms will be in the afternoon. Bring bug spray as I have been told there is mosquito activity due to the wet spring. If by chance there is a change overnight I will send out an update by 8 am. No update means no change and we are a go.
Put on your calendars for next week we will be doing the very popular ice cream ride. More details to follow.
Ride safe!
John Bowyer
1:34 PM

Wednesday, July 10
July 15 Ride
Hello Summit Bikers:
Due to the weather last Monday we canceled our annual meeting until July 22. Shame we could not hold the meeting since we had a large turn out for the ride.
Next week's ride, July 15, takes us out of the county to Turquoise Lake near Leadville. This is a beautiful ride with great views of the lake and surrounding mountains. We will meet at the Maid of Erin parking area. Please be ready to ride at 10 am. To get there take route 91 at the Copper exit toward Leadville. As you enter Leadville there will be a Safeway on your right at a stop light. Take a right at the stop light (Mountain View Drive) and follow the signs toward the golf course. As you near the golf course there are signs for Turquoise Lake. Follow these until you reach road 9C, take a right here and the Maid of Erin Parking area is on the left. (If you reach the dam you have driven past the turn.) There is a small fee, reduced for those with Access Cards. Fee envelopes are available as you enter the parking area. Please bring a pen to complete the envelope. If this area is full there is free parking near the dam (which is a short bike ride or walk back to the picnic area). To reach the dam go out of the Maid of Erin parking area and take the first right, go past the road you drove in on and park on the left just before the dam. To walk back to the picnic area after the ride follow the path along the lake, it takes about 5 minutes.
I normally ride counter clockwise, control my speed and look ahead for potential problems. Since this is a circle those that want a shorter ride should plan to turn around. Remember this is on a road so stay to the right and watch out for pot holes. As this is not an out and back and cell service is poor I will perform sag duties making sure there are no mechanical issues and no one is dropped.
There will not be a grill this week. Plan to bring something to eat for lunch as well as something to share with your friends and a drink. Folding chairs are needed as well. This is a short but intense ride. Bring something warm to wear after the ride as it is normally cool.
Those that would like to car pool are encouraged to meet at the west end of Frisco in the parking lot at 8:45. If the chance of rain in the morning is a high chance of rain an email will be sent out Sunday night.
Since we have so many new people this year I thought I should give everyone some of the basic info. If it is raining when the ride is to start there will be no ride. I do look at several forecasts and will send out an email the night before, especially if we are going out of the county. Rides out of the county start at 10 am and in Summit County are at 9:30. All riders are required to use helmets (although this is not a state law it is a rule of the club). Ear phones are not allowed due to safety concerns. Please wear name tags so your old trip coordinator can remember you. Any name tag will work.
Most of all ride safe and have fun!
John Bowyer
3:47 PM

Wednesday, July 3
July 8 Bike Ride
Next week we will ride to Montezuma. We will meet at Amphitheater Parking Lot in Dillon, ready to ride at 9:30 am. There will not be a grill so plan to bring a sandwich, as well as a dish to share. As always bring whatever you want to drink. I suggest avoiding the rec path through Keystone as things are very busy. The suggested way is to turn right on Elk Drive going through the fence to Keystone Ranch Road and going left through the River Run Area of Keystone to Montezuma Road and to Montezuma. Please do not gather on the road at the end of Montezuma Road (stand to the side with your bike). Those planning to ride to Montezuma should include a ride out to Keystone Ranch. To do this addition pass the fence and continue on Keystone Ranch Road to the end. Return to the fence and ride back to the start. The goal is to get back to the picnic and our annual meeting around noon.
Normally there is great information at our meetings and this one is important since 5 board members are leaving.
Some of you had name tags last week and it does work well. Keep wearing them! Everyone else, get into the movement.
Ride Safe!
1:57 PM

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