Friday, August 23

Important Information for September Bike Rides (PLEASE READ)

Hello Summit Bikers,

For those that did not read there are two start times this week 9:30 for those who are slower and 10 for the rest of the group.  Be sure to print out the directions I had in the last email.  I did say to to cross Route nine  on two separate lines.  Only cross Route 9 once riding East on Tiger Road.  Near the end of the ride as you finish the Highlands section you do cross Route 9.  Any one with a serious problem can call me at 970 393 2190.

There will be no ride on Labor Day, September 2.  I will be out of the country for a few weeks after this but others have agreed to step up and coordinate the rides.  Please give them the same disrespect I have come to expect and love.

Hope to see everyone there.  Ride safe and have fun!!

John Bowyer

Monday, August 19

August 26 Bike Ride

Our August 26 ride takes place from the South end of Breckenridge Recreational Center.  This ride offers us a chance to see the work on restoring the Swan River and the Highlands area of Breckenridge.  Please print the directions below and bring them.  New this week we will try two start times.  Those riders that expect to need more time ( the slower group) should plan to start at 9:30 and others will start at 10.  The system of starting early has been going on for some time and this will give us a chance to formalize it.  Roberta Dakan will start the 9:30 riders and I will be there for the 10 am group.  Please bring a sandwich, something to share and your drink.  I think the ride should be about 2 hours, thus plan for the picnic to start at 11:45 to noon.

Park at far end (South) of Breckenridge Rec Center
Start on Bike Path go left
Cross Hwy 9 at Revett Drive (Tiger Run RV) Be careful here!!
Cross Hwy 9 at light at Tiger Road
Ride to end of Tiger Road and make U turn 
Turn left on Gold Run Road
Turn Right on Fairways Drive
Turn Right on Glenn Eagle Loop
Turn Right on Fairways Drive
Turn Left on Highlands Drive
Continue on Highlands Drive to Rt 9
Cross Rout 9 Turn Right on Bike Path
Return to Start

I have heard about a couple of bike accidents recently involving experienced cyclist.  It is easy to loose your concentration but the consequences can be painful, so be careful.

Ride Safe and have fun!!

John Bowyer

Monday, August 12

Bike Ride August 19

Thirty Five for one of the toughest rides of the year was a great number, although we only had about 12 at the picnic.  

Next week, August 19, we will ride to either Montezuma, A-Basin or Loveland Pass.  We will meet at the Dillon Amphitheater, ready to ride at 9:30 am.  There will not be a grill so plan to bring a sandwich, as well as a dish to share.  As always bring whatever you want to drink.  

I suggest avoiding the rec path through Keystone as things are very busy.   The suggested way is to turn right on Elk Drive going through the fence to Keystone Ranch Road and going left through the River Run Area of Keystone to Montezuma Road and to Montezuma (Those biking to A Basin or beyond can rejoin route 6 at River Run).  Please do not gather on the road at the end of Montezuma Road.  Those planning to ride to Montezuma should include a ride out to Keystone Ranch.  To do this addition pass the fence and continue on Keystone Ranch Road to the end.  Return to the fence and ride back to the start.  The goal is to get back to the picnic around noon.

Depending on where the work is taking place on route 6 we may not be doing that route, since the last update I read talked about shuttling bikers around the work zone.

Thanks to those wearing name tags.  I forgot mine this week, but will try next week.

Ride Safe!


Thursday, August 8

Friday, August 9 Ride

Hello Summit Bikers,

Stephan and Polly are still away, however we will be meeting at the bench, East end of the dam tomorrow at 10 am to circle the lake before picking up lunch at the farmer's market in Dillon.  Hope to see you there.

John Bowyer

Wednesday, August 7

August 12 Bike Ride

Hello Summit Bikers;

August 12, next Monday we are meeting at the Dillon Amphitheater Parking Lot at 9:30 and will challenge the hills of Silverthorne.  There may seem to be too many turns but most of them are easy to follow once you riding the route. The recpath does go by the outlets (watch for walkers) and the route does cross Route 9 twice so caution is advised. Please print this out and have for the ride. If lost ride downhill as the recpath is along the Blue River.

Dillon Amphitheater – Start
Go toward the dam
Stay on Silverthorne path
to N. Pond
Rt End of Path (Allegra Dr)
Rt at stop sign (Hamilton Cr Rd)
Ride to top
Lt on Lakeview Circle
Complete Lakeview Circle turn
Lt at bottom of Circle 
(continuation of Hamilton Cr Road)
Rt on Bald Eagle
Cross Rt 9 to Golden Eagle
Lt on Falcon Dr.
Lt on Golden Eagle
Lt on Two Cabins
Rt on Arnica Ln
Lt on Currant Way (easy to miss)
Lt on Hunters Knob Rd
St on Maryland Creek Trail (to Summit Sky)
At T Lt on Maryland Creek Road
Lt on Maryland Creek Lane
Rt on Rt 9
Lt at N. Pond
Rt on Allegra Dr.
Lt on Recpath
Return to Start
Picnic start 11:45 or so

An alternative route is to ride down the Dam and through Silverthorne to North Pond (end of the recpath) and return, riding the dam to Frisco and returning around 11:45.

Please bring something to share with all your friends as well as a sandwich and drink.

Ride safe and have fun!

John Bowyer

Friday, August 2

Thule 934-XT Hitch-Post Bike-Rack for sale

FOR SALE:  THULE 934-XT  HITCH-POST BIKE RACK.  Holds 4 bikes.  Fits 2-inch receiver hitch.
                     (Folds down away from rear of vehicle for easy access to trunk or rear hatch.)
Excellent Condition.  $90.00.   (located in Dillon)

Denny Foley  970-262-2540   or




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