Hello It is that time again when our biking season draws to a close. For what will probably be our last ride we are doing something a little different. We will meet in Silverthorne between Chipolte and Old Navy, near the bike path away from the stores, this Monday September 28. Everyone should be ready to ride by 10 am Chipolte is located on the north side of route 9 from I 70. Take the right next to Wendys and the first left into the shopping center. There are several options for rides starting at this location. Option 1, is to ride up the dam path and on to Keystone and Montezuma. Option 2 is around the lake and return option 3 (which I will be leading) is one that winds through Silverthorne, Willowbrook and Bike shirts will be available for pick up during lunch. Hope to see everyone there! John Bowyer |
Friday, September 25
September 28 Ride
12:43 PM