Bob Faucett and myself sat in for Rick Oshlo today in one of the initial
planning meetings for the Quizno's Challenge Pro Bike Race. It sounds like
Breckenridge has some good ideas about how to pull the various towns together to
make a bid for one of the overnight towns. The Quizno race organizers will be
in town this Sunday and the Breckenridge planers asked if we could do a ride in
the afternoon so that some bikers are visible to the organizers as they are
given a tour of the area. They asked that all that have the Summit Biking
Jersey wear them. Things are not totally decided as I write this but the basic
plan is somewhere between 4 and 5 pm we will meet and do a loop around the
lake. I think we can start at Dillon in the parking lot and finish there.
Another email will be sent Saturday firming up the location and exact time.
John Bowyer