Wednesday, October 20

A note from Summit Biking Board of Directors


To all Summit Biking Bikers,


The season is coming/has come to an end and we are putting away our bikes and pulling out our skis.  The Board of Directors of Summit Biking, Inc. (BOD) hope you enjoyed the year and we look forward to another great year, in 2011.  Here is an up-date of what is happening with Summit Biking.




At their quarterly meeting on October 7th, the following BOD/officers were elected, filling 9 of the 11 BOD positions.

            President          Bob Faucett

            Vice Pres.        Bob Chebul (Co-Chrmn of Circle the Summit Ride)

            Treasurer          Norm Stoller

            Secretary          Bonnie Guthrie

            Web Master     Rick Oshlo      

            At large            John Bowyer

            At large            Erin Kneedler (Co-Chrmn of Circle the Summit Ride)

            At large            Deb Nelson

            At large            Barry Lazarus

            At large            Vacant

            At large            Vacant

A special THANK YOU goes out to our Past president, Al Kahn, for all the years he has spent organizing and running (along with Bob Guthrie) Summit Biking.  Al has retired from the Board but promises to remain active with the group.




Due to your participation as dues paying members of Summit Biking and the success of the Circle the Summit / Bob Guthrie Memorial Ride, Summit Biking, Inc. is now on a solid financial footing.  In 2010, money was needed to put on the Monday rides, donate the helmet Medical Stickers to our members and the community, the usual insurance needs of organized rides, and mostly to revamp, organize and market the 2010 version of the Circle the Summit/Bob Guthrie Ride.

            Now that we have a small reserve for next year's needs, the BOD has voted to decrease the dues back to "previous year" levels of $10 per individual and $15 per couple.  Life time dues will remain the same at $100 per individual and $150 per couple.  Notice will be sent out in 2011 as to when dues can be sent in for next year.

            Your BOD thanks all of you for the help in getting Summit Biking over the "financial hump" we had to deal with in 2010.





So, you might be asking, "where is the money raised going to?"

The BOD has identified several projects we want to work on and help fund.  Your (the members of Summit Biking) input is welcome as to other project you think we should get involved with.


a)                  Lights in Vail Pass Tunnel: We are working with Summit County Open Space and Trails along with CDOT to design and get approved lighting in the Vail Tunnel next spring.

b)                  Bike rack at "Jeff Ferber's bench" in Frisco.  Hopefully we can get approval and get it installed next spring.

c)                  Improved signage throughout the Recpath System:  Summit County Open Space and Trails has asked for our input as to where the signage can be improved throughout the system.  This will be an on-going project.

d)                  Hwy 91 Road widening:  Summit Biking is simply in communication with CDOT on its "intended" 2011 project to widening Hwy 91 from Copper Mtn to where the road widens to three lanes farther up the hill towards Freemont Pass.  CDOT intends to widen this portion of the Highway to include 2 feet of shoulder space on both sides.  While not actual bike lanes, it will be a huge improvement.

e)                  Swan Mountain Recpath:  While the east side of the Swan Mountain Recpath Project is near completion, the job is not complete until we get the road widened and bike lanes added to the Sapphire to Farmer's Corner Phase of the Project.  The BOD will continue to work with Summit County to get this job done.  We are also beginning the effort to get the whole Swan Mountain Recpath project to be named in honor of Bob Guthrie.

(I just received notice from Summit County that the Ribbon Cutting ceremony, officially opening Phase 3 in Summit cove will be Friday Oct. 29th @10am.  The ceremony will be at the east portal of the Recpath near Royal Coachman Dr.  Signs should be posted to the location.)





I apologize for the lengthy up-date but wanted all the Summit Biking members to know what your BOD is up to.  Now, I am sure you are asking yourselves, "How can I help?"  Here are a few areas to consider getting involved with:


A)        Volunteer for next year's Circle the Summit Ride tentatively set for August 20th.


B)                 Breckenridge has put in a bid to become one of the stops on next year's Professional Bike Race-the Quiznos Pro Challenge.  Yes, Summit County may be part of Colorado's own mini-Tour de France.  If Breck receives the bid, Summit Biking has agreed to help man the volunteers that will be necessary for the day of the Race, as it passes thru Summit County.  Just think, you won't have to go to France or Italy to see a Stage Race with the world's best riders in competition.

C)                Please check out the Web Site – for new information as it gets posted and send the BOD your input as to suggestions on projects we should get Summit Biking involved with.  Send your comments to:

Also, take a look at the Web site for the stores that are offering card carrying Summit Biking members discounts.  Your BOD will continue to work to add other retailers to this list.



Have a great winter,

Bob Faucett, President

Summit Biking, Inc.