Wednesday, June 22
June 27 Ride

Monday, June 20
Channel 4 Colorado Getaways Segment

Sunday, June 19
June 20 Ride Cancellation

Thursday, June 16
Vail Tunnel Lighting ceremony
To all Summit Biking members,
Come join the BOD of Summit Biking for the "official" lighting of the new solar powered Vail Pass Tunnel lights. This will happen at approximately 10.30am this Saturday, June 18th. You can come by bike or by car and walk down to the tunnel.
See you there.
Summit Biking BOD

Wednesday, June 15
June 20 Ride

Summit Biking and Breck Bike Week
Hi all,
Summit Biking has been invited to participate in Breck Bike week (see below). It would involve setting up and manning a booth with information on our Circle the Summit Ride as well as leading a couple rides from Breck.
Your Board of Directors have their plates totally overflowing at the moment, so the only way we could participate would be for some Summit Biking members to step up and take over this event. We believe that the exposure would be great for our Circle the Summit ride as well as for Summit Biking.
If you are interested and willing to lead or work at this effort, please get back to me at or give me a call at 390-5521.
Bob Faucett
----- Forwarded Message -----
From: "Rachel Zerowin" <>
Cc: "Cat Alletto" <>
Sent: Tuesday, June 14, 2011 1:14:53 PM
Subject: Summit Biking and Breck Bike Week
Hi Bob,
I believe we've met at the Pro Challenge LOC meetings (and I'm sure I'll see you and/or Rick Thursday). I'm reaching out today b/c I think Summit Biking could be a good fit for Breck Bike Week, July 6-10.
There are opportunities that would involve your organization leading a group road ride and in return, visibility for Summit Biking and the upcoming Circle the Summit. If that's something you're interested in, I'd suggest contacting Cat Alletto, cc'd here, who's organizing many of the events. Her contact info is below.
If you're not familiar, Breck Bike Week is a celebration of all types of cycling, for all abilities. Groups such as the Continental Divide Land Trust and the Breckenridge Heritage Alliance are leading mountain rides to gain some visibility for their programs and now we're looking for folks interested in the road side of things. You can learn more about the event here: Please let us know if you have any questions; we'd love to get Summit Biking involved! -R
Cat Alletto
(C) 303.518.4140
(O) 970.668.8900
(F) 970.668.2085
Rachel Zerowin
Breckenridge Resort Chamber
Office: 970-453-5064
Cell: 303-717-9620

Tuesday, June 14
General membership meeting - Summit Biking
The membership meeting scheduled for Monday June 20th has been rescheduled to July 11th.
Both the Monday Ride and the meeting will be at the Sr. Center at the County Commons. Ride will be at the usual 9.30am and the meeting will start in one of the meeting rooms at 11.45am. Lunch will be without a BBQ, so bring a sandwich and something to share.
The purpose of the meeting is simply to bring the Summit Biking members up to date with what the Board of Director is doing and to get your input on various subjects. Things to think about before the meeting would be:
1-Where would you suggest "picnic tables and shelters" be put up along the Recpath system?
2-What other suggestions might you have to enhancements to the Recpath System?
3-Nominations for future Board of Director openings?
4-Volunteers to help work on various committees. We always need some "fresh blood" on all committees.
See you there.
Bob Faucett - President, Summit Biking

Thursday, June 9
June 13 Bike Ride

Tuesday, June 7
Fwd: SMC #1 Frisco
To all Summit Bikers that enjoy both mountain biking and road biking:
I received this (below) from Jeff Westcott today asking to spread the work for any of you that might want to try a casual mountain biking race category in his (Maverick Sports) race series. The 1st race is tomorrow, so just check out his Web Site below for information and go have some fun.
Bob Faucett
PS: Jeff has been a tremendous help to Summit Biking in getting the new Summit Biking "Junior Road Development Program" off the ground. We want to support him, if you like mountain bike races.
----- Forwarded Message -----
From: "Jeff Westcott" <>
To:, "Debra Nelson" <>
Sent: Monday, June 6, 2011 10:15:26 AM
Subject: SMC #1 Frisco
Hey Guys,
Was hoping you could help me out with something!
The first race in the SMC is this Wednesday night.
I've created a new category called "Rec Open". This is the perfect category for those wanting to check out MTB racing in a non-competitive group.
This category is for the Lady or Gentleman racer who could care less about being tagged "Beginner, Sport or Expert". This group will be more interested in getting the hard ride out of the way so they can have a cold one. Frankly, this is the perfect group for any Summit Biking members that want to check out our scene and perhaps were too intimidated in the past.
Would it be possible to pass this along?
Jeff Westcott
Maverick Sports Promotions

Thursday, June 2
Summit Biking jerseys
To all Summit Biking members and potential members:
We have had several requests for new "Club" jerseys and would like to accommodate those requests. However, the supplier we have used in the past will only produce more jerseys with a minimum number order and the Club does not want to carry an inventory at this time.
At the present time, a change in our supplier and a new design for the jersey is under consideration. If enough people request a jersey with the older design, I will place that order. This will probably be the last time the present jersey will be produced.
Here is what to do: Anyone that would like to replace their present jersey or order a new one, please send me your name and jersey size to: and if there is a large enough quantity, I will order them immediately. Do NOT just reply to this blog, but send the information directly to me.

Wednesday, June 1
June 6 Bike Ride