Tuesday, June 14

General membership meeting - Summit Biking

The membership meeting scheduled for Monday June 20th has been rescheduled to July 11th.


Both the Monday Ride and the meeting will be at the Sr. Center at the County Commons. Ride will be at the usual 9.30am and the meeting will start in one of the meeting rooms at 11.45am.  Lunch will be without a BBQ, so bring a sandwich and something to share.


The purpose of the meeting is simply to bring the Summit Biking members up to date with what the Board of Director is doing and to get your input on various subjects. Things to think about before the meeting would be:


1-Where would you suggest "picnic tables and shelters" be put up along the Recpath system?

2-What other suggestions might you have to enhancements to the Recpath System?

3-Nominations for future Board of Director openings?

4-Volunteers to help work on various committees. We always need some "fresh blood" on all committees.


See you there.


Bob Faucett - President, Summit Biking