Saturday, June 30
Monday July 2 Ride

Wednesday, June 27
Friday's Ride
Bicycling directions to Ute Pass Rd | 3D![]() |

Tuesday, June 26
Fwd: Shawn Hunter speaking at CMC July 5th 7pm
From: Kunzek, Heidi <>
Date: Tue, Jun 26, 2012 at 2:13 PM
Subject: Shawn Hunter speaking at CMC July 5th 7pm
To: "" <>
Hello Al,
My name is Heidi Kunzek, I am on the board of the CMC "Peak to Peak" Speaker Series. On Friday, I met a fellow biker of yours at the Dillon Farmers Market and she stated that you may be a good person to contact about our upcoming speaker. In conjunction with Breckenridge Bike Week we will be hosting guest speaker Shawn Hunter CEO of the USA Pro Challenge. I imagine that this would be of great interest to the Summit Biking group. I have attached a flier for your information to pass on to your biking club.
Please let me know if you have any questions.
Thank you!
Heidi Kunzek
Executive Administrative Assistant to the CEO
Breckenridge/Dillon Campus Start Here. Go Anywhere!

Monday, June 25
Wednesday Ride,yes

Tuesday, June 19
June 25 Ride

Wednesday, June 13
June 18 Bike Ride

Monday, June 11
Summit Biking More Rides 2012
A newer idea! In addition to the traditional Monday rides, some of us will post Wednesday and Friday rides for the summer.
I will start a "trial ride " on Wednesday this week, June 13th. Then begin the regular postings on June 27th.
This week we will start at the
base of the dam parking lot @ 9AM, then sweep by the Dillon ampitheator lot @ 9:15 and head up Zuma. Frequent regrouping will keep the group together. No drops.
It is a show and go ride. Confirm if you can.
Weather should be good!
Al Wambach

Wednesday, June 6
June 11 -- Circle the Lake Bike Ride

Saturday, June 2
Podium Sports Discounts
Rick Oshlo

Annual Meeting
Rick Oshlo