Tuesday, June 19

June 25 Ride

Hello Summit Bikers,
June 25 is our next ride and annual meeting.  Meet at the Summit Senior Center, in the County Commons area at 9:30 ready to ride.  The official ride is to Copper Mountain or on to Vail Pass.   At noon our annual meeting will start inside the senior center so just time your ride so you are back by then.  There will be no picnic but feel free to bring something to eat and drink during the meeting.  Just help us keep the place clean.
A long time resident of Summit County, Jean Waid just had a tire get caught in the cracks coming down from Vail Pass.  Please use extreme caution riding this section as the cracks are wide spread and are sometimes on the side and sometimes in the middle.  Summit Biking has requested CDOT place a sign at the top of Vail Pass warning about the cracks.  Resurfacing is planned for September.
Optional rides still occur on Thursday afternoon and Sunday morning.  See the Summit Biking Calender for details.