Tuesday, October 1

Vail Pass Bike Path

We received the following note from Columbine Hills Concrete, the contractor for the path work:
The paving has been completed on the Vail Pass east side pathway. Striping will be complete tomorrow. The pathway will be closed thru Friday and open for the weekend. Will be closed all next week. Might be some good poaching Wednesday or Thursday evening before a storm Friday.  Crews will be shutting down by 5.

Saturday, September 21

Monday 9/23 Ride

This Monday's ride was originally planned for Idaho Springs; however, there is a high probability of rain and the trees are just turning in Summit County, so let's plan on riding from the Dillon Amphitheater at 10am instead, weather permitting. Options are the usual: Montezuma, around the lake, to Copper, etc. There will not be a picnic.

On a different note, Lou and I rode to Vail Pass today. The repaving has been completed on the middle third of the path between Copper and the summit. The upper third has been scored and torn up in preparation for paving and the lower third thus far is as it was in August.

Wednesday, September 11

Monday 9/16 Show & Go Ride

This ride originally was scheduled to go from the Frisco Marina to Vail Pass; however, the path between Copper & Vail Pass is closed weekdays for repaving.

The ride will still start from the Frisco Marina at 9:30, but will go to Dillon and up to Keystone, Montezuma or just around the Lake. The ride will be Show & Go format since there is not a designated ride leader/starter at this time. Riders also can follow the original route as far as Copper Mountain.

Sunday, September 1

September unofficial Wed/Fri rides

I'm heading back to California tomorrow. It's been fun riding with y'all on the Wed and Fri rides over the past 9 weeks, and I hope to be back next year.

I don't know of anyone planning to announce weekly official Summit Biking Wed and Fri rides during September, but some of you say that you may from time to time send out emails for unofficial rides e.g. when you're intending to ride yourself, and send out a mail about route and start time/place. When you do so, please make clear that these rides are not Summit Biking-endorsed. If things change, and someone is able to lead regular official Wed/Fri rides, please contact Rick Oshlo before you do so, for instructions on how the club likes these rides to be announced.

Enjoy the late summer ! :-)


Thursday, August 29

ROAD BIKE RIDE B PACE (12-15mph) : FRIDAY 30th AUGUST, 9.00am






Tuesday, August 27

ROAD BIKE RIDE B PACE (12-15mph) : WEDNESDAY 28th AUGUST, 9.00am

Rick Oshlo, President of Summit Biking, has completed the administrative steps that I referred to earlier, and has given me clearance to announce the Wed and Fri ride as formal Summit Biking Group rides.

I bit late for tomorrow's ride, but as Rick has given me the go-ahead to post to the  Summit Biking blog, I'll copy my earlier announcement (see below), mainly as a test to see that indeed it goes out.

Many of you will therefore get a second copy...sorry about that !

This is my last week here this summer : I'll have been here 9 weeks and have had a great time. I'll announce a ride for Friday, and after that another member has said he may continue the rides into September. I'll let you know when I've heard back from him.



Tomorrow, Wednesday we will meet in the Dillon Amphitheater parking lot at 9.00am for a ride up to Montezuma.
 On our return we will stop at the Pour House in Summit Cove for coffee, if there is interest in doing so.
Then over Swan Mountain Pass to Farmers' Korner, Frisco, and back over the dam.

Vail Pass Path Closure

There is a notice in the Summit Daily advising that the Vail Pass Recpath from Copper Mtn to the top of the pass will be closed Mondays through Friday 6pm from Sept 3 through Sept 27. The path will be open all day Saturdays & Sundays. The info hotline is (970) 468-7813 x102.

That's a bit of an inconvenience, so get your weekday rides in this week! The good news is that we're FINALLY getting the path repaired and resurfaced!

Monday, August 26

Stop by Connie's Bench on Wednesday

The bench in memory of our biking buddy, Connie Gruber, has been installed and is ready to be enjoyed. The bench is located on the bike path which runs through the Frisco Adventure Park. Simply bike uphill from the Nordic Center and Day-Lodge buildings. You will see the bench on your left.

If coming from Swan Mt. bike towards the hospital, but turn right just before the hospital/medical building parking lots. Cross Hwy 9 at the light and follow the bike path into the Frisco Adventure Park. Continue downhill and you'll see the bench on your right.

Since many within Summit Biking helped to fund this bench, Jerry Gruber is inviting people to stop by this Wednesday morning August 28th, 9-10:30a, for a cup of coffee and a donut.

Hope to see you there!

Thursday, August 15

Orange for the USPCC

The USA Pro Challenge is coming to Breckenridge, and we want to 'crush' it on TV so we're asking everybody to WEAR ORANGE!   Yes, it's the 'official' color of Breck's Stage 2 Finish because "Or-ange you glad you're from Summit County"!!  Tuesday, August 20 – ORANGE DAY in Breck!!

Tuesday, August 13

August 19 Ride

Hello Summit Bikers,
This weeks ride will be from the Dillon Amphitheater parking lot to Montezuma, A-Basin or the top of Loveland Pass.  These rides are on the roads so stay to the right and be cautious. For those that prefer to stay on the bike paths other rides are possible. We will meet in the parking lot ready to go at 9:30 am. Bonnie will have the grill going so bring something to cook as well as to share after the ride. As always bring what you prefer to drink.
Margaret and I will be out of the county until mid October so there will be another leader for the Monday rides.  It has been a great summer leading the rides.  In case you have always felt you could do a wonderful leadership job, contact Rick Oshlo about helping.
In case of a breakdown on the day of the ride call my cell number is 970-393-2190.
Ride safe and have fun!
John Bowyer

Monday, August 12

Pro Challenge Events

There are a number of events associated with the US Pro Challenge race Stage 2 finish & Stage 3 start in Breckenridge next Tuesday & Wednesday. Go to breckprocycling.com and click on Spectator Information for complete details including road closures & in town race route maps.

One items of particular potential interest for members is the Meet & Greet with George Hincapie Tuesday 6pm at Breck Bike Guides. They are a new company located on Lincoln between Main & Ridge.

Also if you know have or know of anyone with preschool kids or grandkids, check out the Strider Bike race planned for Wednesday morning. Grand Lodge at Peak 7 has produced a very cute video ad. You can see it on You Tube at http://youtu.be/-dwaFKj1hdI

Rick Oshlo

Monday, August 5

August 12 Meeting and Ride

Hello Summit Bikers,
It is that time of year when we have our annual meeting.  The meeting will be held August 12 in Frisco, starting at 11:30 at the old senior center (3rd and Granite, where we hold the CTS ride) after our weekly ride.  Plan to meet in front of the center at 9:30 ready to ride.  The main ride will be through Copper up Vail Pass as far as we can make it without any major delays and return.  Another option is to ride to Breckenridge and return, riding the flat part up towards Copper so you can get in a few miles and still make the meeting.  We will not have a picnic so plan to bring either a sandwich or something to eat during the meeting.
As I mentioned at our ride there was recently an interview concerning the CTS ride on Krystal 93.3.  If you would like to go back and listen the interview is on their web site at www.krystal93.com/audio-vault/krystal-conversations/.  Keep in mind that yours truly is not a professional like to other two on the interview.
Also, next week several people asked if we could do a tire changing review with Team Managers.  Brad has agreed to come in at 9 am and show those interested the proper technique of changing a tire and getting back to your ride quickly.  Due to extensive experience in the tire changing area I will not be attending.  Please email me at bikebreck@yahoo.com if you plan to come to the review so I can give Brad an idea of how many will come.
Ride communication has improved which will make riding safer for all of us.
Ride safe!
John Bowyer

Saturday, August 3

Cattle Guards Returning to Ute Pass Road?

I noticed in yesterday's Summit Daily, page B22, that:

under Request for Proposal

"Ute Pass Road
2 Cattle Guards on Ute Pass Rd"

The Club worked to get rid of them a few years ago.

It looks as if they are returning.

Does anyone have any influence in this matter? They are so bad on a very
popular cycling route.

Al Wambach

Al Wambach
Unit 60, Miners Run, Wildernest
PO Box 2324
Silverthorne, CO 80498
610-613-1390 cell

Monday, July 29

August 5 Bike Ride

Hello Summit Bikers,
Next week we return to Summit County for a ride around Dillon Reservoir, with an extension to Copper Mountain for those that want something extra.  Meet at the amphitheater parking lot in Dillon.  We will have a grill after the ride so plan to bring something to cook and something to share with your friends.  Be ready to ride at 9:30 am.  The forecast is for sunny and warm!
The Silverthorne Police Department has requested volunteers to assist them with the Pro Challenge on Wednesday August 21st 11:00 a.m. to 2:00 p.m.  Duties will include closing intersections and private driveways, and monitoring traffic along the route through Silverthorne.  Please contact the Silverthorne Police Department at 970-262-7320 to sign up.
Barry Lazarus can still use help as well for the Pro Challenge on August 20 as the riders enter Breckenridge.
Several people have mentioned that emails do not always show up regarding the ride.  The emails are automatic from yahoo groups so we have no direct capability to make sure everyone gets the email.  We do control our web site (summitbiking.org) and maintain a calendar with rides listed.  When changes are made the site is updated, so if you do look at the rides coming up, be sure to check the calendar again the week of the ride.
Ride safe!
John Bowyer

Monday, July 22

July 29 Bike Ride

Hello Summit Bikers:
Bob and Jay Gilson did a wonderful job for us this week that will be hard to top.  Not only ice cream but ribs and barbecue.  Thank you Bob and Jay.
Next weeks ride will be a new ride from Georgetown Visitor Center (exit 228 off I 70) up Quenilla Pass.  Although, I have not ridden this I have been told that the new pavement on Quenilla Pass is wonderful.  Other options are to bike to Idaho Springs or or towards Loveland Ski Area either to Bakersville or Loveland.  We will meet at the Georgetown Visitor Center at 10 am ready to ride.  Since there are no grills bring a sandwich and a drink for after the ride during our social hour following the ride.  Since we have no grill we expect Bonnie to bike further!
I have noticed many more of the riders using hand signals, which is great riding.
See you next week.  Ride Safe!
John Bowyer 

Saturday, July 20

Road / Mountain Bike Crossover Day

Hello Summit Bikers,
This is a follow up to the previous message sent out regarding a mountain bike cross over day.  The response we have received from the mountain bike group to work with roadies is great but so far very few have responded about an interest to try it out.  If you have been considering it now is the time to let me know.  Respond back to bikebreck@yahoo.com and give me an idea of what size bike (small, medium, or large) you think you may need.  The previous message sent follows.
We will have a crossover trail day on Friday, August 2 in the morning for any one wanting to give mountain biking a try. Working with the Summit Mountain Bike Group (SMBG) we have selected a trail on the Peninsula which should provide beginners with a good experience. The plan is meet with those people interested and fit them to a bike and to send out riders with an experienced person in groups of four or five. The hope is to give people an introduction to mountain biking without a lot of rocks and climbing to hopefully get some people interested in doing this as well as road riding. The ride will be relatively slow over good terrain so pads will not be needed, although if you want to wear them feel free. The SMBG has various levels, depending on ability so everyone does not have to capable of charging up and down hills at high speed. Much like the road group riders are a little older, so we do not behave like you may have seen at the ski areas with full armor flying down the mountain. In fact, many of the road bikers also do mountain biking as a change of pace, and I think everyone will find the mountain bike group is very friendly and always ready to help one another.
If you tried mountain biking years ago the equipment has changed drastically (disk brakes, better shocks, 29 inch wheels) and it may be worth another try.
John Bowyer

Tuesday, July 16

July 22 Ride

Hello Summit Bikers,
Next weeks ride is to Ute Pass. There will be two starting points; North Pond in Silverthorne starting at 8:30 am (A group riders -- faster group perhaps with pace line) or from the bottom of Ute Pass road at 9:30 am (where Ute Pass intersects Route 9).  I plan to leave from Silverthorne, so if I am not at the bottom of Ute Pass at that start go without me.
The reward for the trip will be a picnic hosted by Bob and Jay Gilson in Hamilton Creek, Silverthorne. They will have a propane grill available for those who want to cook. As usual, bring something to eat and something to share with your friends as well as your drink. As a special treat, Bob intends to make some ice cream which will go as far as it goes, since he never knows how many people will be there.
Below are the details from Bob:
I plan to make some ice cream for the Ute Pass post-ride picnic at our house next Monday, 7/22. I expect to have plenty, but you just never know who the professional ice cream eaters are out there. The picnic will be on our deck and in the house, so please leave your bike shoes off at the porch, since we don't really have a lawn, and the view is prettier from the deck anyway. We have about 6-8 deck chairs and about the same inside. The deck rail is 2x8 flat, so it makes a good rest for a glass or dish.
From the Silverthorne Elementary School, which is on Hamilton Creek Road, drive/ride 1.3 miles up Hamilton Creek Road, then turn right onto Crescent Moon Trail. We're the 4th house on the left and the address is: 0137 Crescent Moon Trail. For those of you who know Roger and Sue Paluska, they live in the first house on the left of the same road.
We give extra points for those who ride up to the house, but if you're driving, we have room for some 8-10 cars to park just beyond our driveway in a cul-de-sac; plus you can park along one side of the road to allow others from the few houses beyond us to get past. About 6 can park in our driveway, but you'll have to back down to get out. If you're concerned, just carpool up from the elementary school. Or... this is where the extra points for riding up the hill come into play.
Home phone is: 262-6123 if any questions or problems. My cell phone is: (405) 210-6222 if you're calling when I'm on the bike.
Ride safe
John Bowyer

Sunday, July 14

Canceled Turquoise Lake Ride July 15

Hello Summit Bikers,
Sorry but there is a very good chance of rain tomorrow so the Turquoise Lake Ride July 15 is canceled.  Next weeks ride is to Ute Pass with ice cream afterward.  More details to follow.
John Bowyer

Friday, July 12

Turquoise Lake Ride July 15

This was sent last Monday.  Not sure what happened.

Hello Summit Bikers,
Next weeks ride takes us out of the county to Turquoise Lake near Leadville.  This is beautiful ride with great views of the lake and the mountains around it.  Please be ready to ride at 10 am.  We will meet at the Maid of Erin parking area.  To get there take route 91 at the Copper exit toward Leadville.  As you enter Leadville there will be a Safeway on your right and a stop light.  Take a right at the stop light (Mountain View Drive) and follow the signs toward the golf course.  As you near the golf course there are signs for Turquoise Lake.  Follow these until you reach road 9C, take a right here and the Maid of Erin Parking area is on the left.  (If you reach the dam you have driven past the turn.)  There is a $5 fee, reduced for those with Access Cards.  Fee envelopes are available as you enter the parking area.  Please bring a pen to complete the envelope.  If this area is full there is free parking near the dam (which is a short bike ride or walk back to the picnic area).  To reach the dam go out of the Maid of Erin parking area and take the first right, go past the road you drove in on and park on the right just before the dam.  To walk back to the picnic area after the ride follow the path along the lake, it takes about 5 minutes.
I normally ride counter clockwise, control my speed and look ahead for potential problems.  Since this is a circle those that want  a shorter ride should plan to turn around.
We will have a grill at the picnic area so plan to bring something to cook for lunch as well as something to share with your friends and a drink. 
Since this out of the County we will start slightly latter.  Those that would like to car pool are encouraged to meet at the west end of Frisco in the parking lot at 8:45.
Ride safe and have fun!
John Bowyer

Vail Pass Slick Striping

There have been reports of a number of bike accidents attributable to the yellow paint striping being very slick on the recently resurfaced Vail/Eagle County side of the Vail Pass path.

We checked with Summit County Open Space and Trails about the issue. They said CDOT apparently used an epoxy paint on the Vail side but plan to use "regular" paint on the Summit County side this fall in accordance with Summit County's normal practice.

Let's hope this is correct and PLEASE BE VERY CAREFUL descending toward Vail; particularly, if the pavement is damp.

Tuesday, July 2

Mountain Bike Crossover Day Correction

Hello Summit Bikers,
We will have a crossover trail day on Friday, August 2 in the morning for any one wanting to give mountain biking a try. Working with the Summit Mountain Bike Group (SMBG) we have selected a trail on the Peninsula which should provide beginners with a good experience. The plan is meet with those people interested and fit them to a bike and to send out riders with an experienced person in groups of four or five. The hope is to give people an introduction to mountain biking without a lot of rocks and climbing to hopefully get some people interested in doing this as well as road riding. The ride will be relatively slow over good terrain so pads will not be needed, although if you want to wear them feel free. The SMBG has various levels, depending on ability so everyone does not have to capable of charging up and down hills at high speed. Much like the road group riders are a little older, so we do not behave like you may have seen at the ski areas with full armor flying down the mountain. In fact, many of the road bikers also do mountain biking as a change of pace, and I think everyone will find the mountain bike group is very friendly and always ready to help one another.
If you tried mountain biking years ago the equipment has changed drastically (disk brakes, better shocks, 29 inch wheels) and it may be worth another try.
The next step is to identify how many people are likely to attend, so if interested please respond back to me at bikebreck@yahoo.com. If you are interested but just can not do August 2 let me know and we will see if something can be worked out for a different day and time. We hope to have enough bikes on loan to cover those wanting to try this.
John Bowyer

Mountain Bike Crossover Day

Hello Summit Bikers,
We will have a crossover trail day on Friday, August 3 in the morning for any one wanting to give mountain biking a try. Working with the Summit Mountain Bike Group (SMBG) we have selected a trail on the Peninsula which should provide beginners with a good experience. The plan is meet with those people interested and fit them to a bike and to send out riders with an experienced person in groups of four or five. The hope is to give people an introduction to mountain biking without a lot of rocks and climbing to hopefully get some people interested in doing this as well as road riding. The ride will be relatively slow over good terrain so pads will not be needed, although if you want to wear them feel free. The SMBG has various levels, depending on ability so everyone does not have to capable of charging up and down hills at high speed. Much like the road group riders are a little older, so we do not behave like you may have seen at the ski areas with full armor flying down the mountain. In fact, many of the road bikers also do mountain biking as a change of pace, and I think everyone will find the mountain bike group is very friendly and always ready to help one another.
If you tried mountain biking years ago the equipment has changed drastically (disk brakes, better shocks, 29 inch wheels) and it may be worth another try.
The next step is to identify how many people are likely to attend, so if interested please respond back to me at bikebreck@yahoo.com. If you are interested but just can not do July 19 let me know and we will see if something can be worked out for a different day and time. We hope to have enough bikes on loan to cover those wanting to try this.
John Bowyer

Monday, July 1

July 8 Ride

Hello Summit Bikers,
For those that did not make last weeks technical talk you missed a fine breakfast and excellent technical talk.  Stewart did ask me to remind those people voting in the Summit Daily poll to keep Team Manager in mind this year for best bike shop.  Team Managers will also be doing afternoon rides starting this Wednesday July 3 at 5 pm and all Summit Biking is invited.  It is a good opportunity to ride with a bike tech that and talk about things that you want to know but were afraid to bring up in front of a group.
We will once again venture outside Summit County to East Vail and attempt once again to either do the Vail Pass or Vail Trail. See what our side of Vail Pass is going to look like once all the work by CDOT is completed. The ride will be from Big horn Park in East Vail, starting at 9:30am.  There will be a grill available so plan to bring something to cook, a drink and a dish to share with your friends. For those who would like to car pool meet at the west end of Frisco at the parking lot at 8:45 am.  Multiple rides are available from Big Horn, including West Vail Pass and the Vail Trail trough Vail and on to Minturn.

Directions to Big Horn Park: Go West to exit 180 in East Vail. Get off on the right and turn left going under I-70 on Bighorn Road. Go right on Streamside Circle. Stay on Streamside Circle and turn right on Meadow Drive. Bighorn Park is on the left ahead.

Remember the tourist are in town, slow down and do not cut corners.  Use those hand signals, especially in group rides and ride safe.

John Bowyer

Thursday, June 27

July 1 Bike Ride

Hello Summit Bikers;
Next week July 1 we will have arranged technical talk from Team Managers prior to our weekly ride. This year I have asked Brad to discuss what to look for to know you should get your bike in for a tune. If we have time I will have him go over the use of hand signals again, as this is something we should be using for safety.
Plan to meet at Team Managers in Frisco at 8:45. Team Managers is located across from the Holiday Inn off the Dillon Dam Road in Frisco. The discussion will be in the shop so leave the bikes outside. At approximately 9:30 we will prepare for the ride around the Dillon reservoir.  Since there is not a good place to do lunch we can move to the Dillon Amphitheater for lunch around noon.  Bonnie will have a fire for us, so bring something to cook and something to share with others. 
Plans are being discussed for two exciting events this year.  One we hope to have bicycle trail day at Team Managers, possibly with Fuji bikes.  More details to follow.  The other event is an opportunity to try mountain biking for a day.  Details are being worked out with the mountain bike group.  My thought is to go on a simple trail where people who have never tried mountain biking can give it a try.  We hope to have the mountain bike group loan us bikes for the day, with the road people trading their bikes to them.  We hope to do this in July on a day other than a Monday.
I need your help as a few spots need to still be filled for volunteers on the July 13 or 14 for the triple bypass.  If you have thought about helping but waited now is the time as the schedule will be put together next week.  Duties are easy and will be limited to three hour shifts. 
Ride safe!
John Bowyer 

Thursday, June 20

June 24 Ride

Hello Summit Bikers,
This weeks ride will be from the Dillion Amphitheater parking lot to Montezuma.  Some of you may want to do the climb either to A-Basin or Loveland Pass.  Both of these rides are on the roads so stay to the right and be cautious.  For those that prefer to stay on the bike paths other rides are possible.  We will meet in the parking lot ready to go at 9:30 am.  Bonnie will have the grill going so bring something to cook as well as to share after the ride.  As always bring what you prefer to drink.
Help is still needed for the triple bypass ride July 13 and 14.  Volunteers will work only a three hour shift (possibly split between the two days) and will receive lunch at the CTS ride as well as a ticket to a Rockies baseball game.
In case of a breakdown on the day of the ride call my cell number is 970-393-2190.
Ride safe and have fun!
John Bowyer

Thursday, June 6

New Season!

Spring and warmer weather has FINALLY arrived in Summit County and our weekly group rides are underway. Visit the Group Rides page on our website for a calendar of our plans. Take a look also at our Youth Program series underway again this summer. All our members are invited - indeed encouraged - to join them whenever you are looking for another ride opportunity. 

It's also the time of the year for membership renewals. Please take a moment and go to the Membership page on our site to renew your membership for 2013. Dues are unchanged from the last two years; remaining a very modest $10 for an individual or $15 for a couple. Paypal, credit cards or checks are accepted. 

There are 423 Yahoo Groups members receiving this email compared to only 200 or so dues paying Summit Biking members the last few years. It would be spectacular if all the Yahoo Group members receiving this reminder would join to help support Summit Biking and our efforts to improve road cycling in Summit County. There has been some discussion of restricting access to the Yahoo Groups Summit Biking email list to current Summit Biking members if only 50% or so of the list members are interested in Summit Biking membership. Of course all club specific information is normally available on our website blog page or elsewhere on our site. If you are no longer interested in the Yahoo Groups emails and Summit Biking, you can remove yourself from the Yahoo email list by sending an email from the address where you receive these emails to summitbiking-unsubscribe@yahoogroups.com.

Lastly, note that the US Pro Cycling Challenge is again visiting Summit County with both a stage finish and a next day start in Breckenridge August 20-21. That's the Tuesday and Wednesday following the Circle The Summit ride on Saturday August 17th and our group ride on the Monday in between; making for a great 5 days of cycling in Summit County.

Monday, June 3

June 10 Ride

Hello Summit Bikers,
Sorry about the lack of a grill at this weeks picnic but it was due to miss-communication.  Next weeks ride will start at Dillion Amphitheater.  Be ready to ride by 9:30 am.  The ride will be started by Steve Ladin.  There will be a grill for cooking.  Please bring something to share with your friends, whatever you want to drink. 
John Bowyer

Friday, May 31

Memorial Bench for Connie Grubber

Friends and family of Connie Gruber have arranged for a bench to be installed at the Frisco Penninsula in her memory. It will be installed later this summer. Any of you who wish to donate to this can do so through Summit Biking.
Donations should be made to:
"Summit Foundation, Friends of Bob Guthrie." On the memo line please put "Connie's Bench Fund."  Donations made this way will be tax deductible as the Summit Foundation is a 501c organization and Summit Biking has an account there.
Donations should be mailed to:
Summit Biking
c/o   Roger Paluska
        PO Box 968
        Frisco, CO 80443
Questions can be sent to Jean Waid at jwaid@bresnan.net.

June 3 Ride Option

Hello Summit Bikers,
After this week we all are looking forward to a much better week to ride starting on Monday.  There is an option of leaving from North Pond at 8:30 am.  North Pond is across the street from the elementary school in Silverthorne.  Steve Ladin asked that I put this out so he will be leading the group.  For anyone who does not know the shoulder almost disappears the last couple of miles before Heeney Road.   The rest of us can meet at Heeney Road as I explained in the previous email.
Ride safe.
John Bowyer

Monday, May 27

June 3 Bike Ride

Hello Summit Bikers,
It was great to see so many show up for the Idaho Springs to Georgetown Ride.  Except for the wind I think we all had a good time.
Next weeks ride will be the Green Mountain Reservoir. The start of the ride is at the intersection of Route 9 and Heeney Road, approximately 20 miles north of Silverthorne. Plan to be ready to ride at 9:30 am. Most of the parking is on route 9 at the intersection with Heeney Road. Be careful crossing route 9 as it is a busy road. Heeney Road is not very busy but it is a road with some traffic and people are encouraged to ride single file near the shoulder. This is the only Summit County ride with rolling hills as you ride on the west side of the reservoir.  Afterwords, we will have a picnic at North Pond in Silverthorne. North Pond is across from the elementary school at the corner of Hamilton Creek Road and Route 9. Please bring something to share with your friends, whatever you want to drink and something to grill as we will have a grill. 
This is a fun ride to bring a guest along since it is an out and back and difficult to get lost on.
The next two weeks I am out of town so someone else will be sending out the emails.  On 6/24 the ride will leave from Dillon Marina and go to either Montezuma or Loveland Pass.
Track your miles on http://www.endomondo.com/campaign/national/. Last year we were one of the top cycling clubs in the nation and if we get the group tracking this year we should do well again.  So far very few have signed up for the SummitBiking Team. am. If you are tracking double check that you are associated with the Summit Biking Team.
I still need volunteers for July 13 and 14 to course marshal for the triple bypass. If you have a few hours either day respond back to me at bikebreck@yahoo.com.
Ride safe and have fun!
John Bowyer

Wednesday, May 22

May 27 Ride

Hello Summit Bikers,
Next weeks ride will be from Idaho Springs to Georgetown and back.  Some riders may want to go on to either Silver Plume or Loveland Ski Area and return. We will meet at the Courtney Riley Cooper Park in Idaho Springs at 10 a.m. ready to ride.   To get to the park take exit 240 from I 70, turn left on 13 Ave (towards town).  At Colorado Boulevard go right.  The park is on the left next to the creek.  The drive takes about 45 minutes.  We will have  a grill so bring something to cook and something to share with your friends.  As always bring what you would like to drink.
In case of a breakdown on the day of the ride call my cell number is 970-393-2190. 
A couple of other notes:
Get others to come along.  This is an active area and many of your neighbors may want to ride with a group.
Track your miles on http://www.endomondo.com/campaign/national/.  Last year we were one of the top cycling clubs in the nation and if we get the group tracking this year we should do well again.
I still need volunteers for July 13 and 14 to course marshal for the triple bypass.  If you have a few hours either day respond back to me at bikebreck@yahoo.com.
Ride safe and have fun!
John Bowyer

Sunday, May 19

May 20 Bike Ride Cancellation

The weather for Denver calls for a better than a 50 percent chance of rain before noon, therefor, the ride is being canceled.  Hopefully we will have better luck next week.

Thursday, May 16

May 20 Bike Ride

Hello Summit Bikers,
Lets start riding.  Hopefully you have taken the bikes out, made sure everything is working and are ready to get started.
This seasons first ride will be held Monday May 20 starting west of the 470 loop near Bear Creek Lake Park at the Morrison exit. There will be no picnic this week.  Those wanting to stay for lunch can join me at the Blue Cow in Morrison.  They are at 316 Bear Creek Ave. and according to their web site has plenty of parking. To get to the start of the ride go east on 70 toward Denver and get off on 470 south. Take 470 to the Morrison exit and turn right. The parking lot is on the right at the corner of S. Rooney Road and Morrison Road. If you are late, the bike path is across Morrison Road from the parking area, then ride east under 470. The drive from exit 205 (Silverthorne) to the start is approximately 1 hour. Plan to be ready to ride by 10 am. If it appears likely that it will rain during the ride I will send an email out the afternoon before canceling.
There will be two routes to choose from; up Lookout Mountain and return or down Bear Creek Trail to the Platte River. Both of these are about 2 hours.
John Bowyer

Help Needed For Triple Bypass Fundraiser Effort

Hello Summit Bikers,
We hope you have signed up to ride Circle the Summit (www.circlethesummit.com) on Saturday, August 17. But there is ride that needs our volunteer help: The Triple Bypass. This year's Triple is Saturday and Sunday, July 13 and 14.  Course marshals are needed on both days. On Saturday they need help at Summit High School and along the bike path to Copper Mountain. Volunteers can be on their bikes and are needed to provide directional information especially where paths intersect. On Sunday they need help on the Dam Road and at the aid station in the Keystone Parking lot. We are hoping to have about 20 volunteers on each day.
Volunteers can do one or both of the days.
Specific information will be forthcoming later. John Bowyer will coordinate with the organizers of the Triple and let you know the specifics.
Two years ago, Summit Biking provided volunteers and we got a $3,000 donation. We won't know until October, but we are hoping for at least a $2,000 donation this year. It all helps our efforts to improve and expand bike paths in Summit County. In addition, the Triple places save the date cards for our ride in their goody bags.
Please contact John Bowyer at his email address bikebreck@yahoo.com to volunteer. And check us out on Facebook!
Thank you!

