Thursday, June 27

July 1 Bike Ride

Hello Summit Bikers;
Next week July 1 we will have arranged technical talk from Team Managers prior to our weekly ride. This year I have asked Brad to discuss what to look for to know you should get your bike in for a tune. If we have time I will have him go over the use of hand signals again, as this is something we should be using for safety.
Plan to meet at Team Managers in Frisco at 8:45. Team Managers is located across from the Holiday Inn off the Dillon Dam Road in Frisco. The discussion will be in the shop so leave the bikes outside. At approximately 9:30 we will prepare for the ride around the Dillon reservoir.  Since there is not a good place to do lunch we can move to the Dillon Amphitheater for lunch around noon.  Bonnie will have a fire for us, so bring something to cook and something to share with others. 
Plans are being discussed for two exciting events this year.  One we hope to have bicycle trail day at Team Managers, possibly with Fuji bikes.  More details to follow.  The other event is an opportunity to try mountain biking for a day.  Details are being worked out with the mountain bike group.  My thought is to go on a simple trail where people who have never tried mountain biking can give it a try.  We hope to have the mountain bike group loan us bikes for the day, with the road people trading their bikes to them.  We hope to do this in July on a day other than a Monday.
I need your help as a few spots need to still be filled for volunteers on the July 13 or 14 for the triple bypass.  If you have thought about helping but waited now is the time as the schedule will be put together next week.  Duties are easy and will be limited to three hour shifts. 
Ride safe!
John Bowyer