Thursday, June 27

July 1 Bike Ride

Hello Summit Bikers;
Next week July 1 we will have arranged technical talk from Team Managers prior to our weekly ride. This year I have asked Brad to discuss what to look for to know you should get your bike in for a tune. If we have time I will have him go over the use of hand signals again, as this is something we should be using for safety.
Plan to meet at Team Managers in Frisco at 8:45. Team Managers is located across from the Holiday Inn off the Dillon Dam Road in Frisco. The discussion will be in the shop so leave the bikes outside. At approximately 9:30 we will prepare for the ride around the Dillon reservoir.  Since there is not a good place to do lunch we can move to the Dillon Amphitheater for lunch around noon.  Bonnie will have a fire for us, so bring something to cook and something to share with others. 
Plans are being discussed for two exciting events this year.  One we hope to have bicycle trail day at Team Managers, possibly with Fuji bikes.  More details to follow.  The other event is an opportunity to try mountain biking for a day.  Details are being worked out with the mountain bike group.  My thought is to go on a simple trail where people who have never tried mountain biking can give it a try.  We hope to have the mountain bike group loan us bikes for the day, with the road people trading their bikes to them.  We hope to do this in July on a day other than a Monday.
I need your help as a few spots need to still be filled for volunteers on the July 13 or 14 for the triple bypass.  If you have thought about helping but waited now is the time as the schedule will be put together next week.  Duties are easy and will be limited to three hour shifts. 
Ride safe!
John Bowyer 

Thursday, June 20

June 24 Ride

Hello Summit Bikers,
This weeks ride will be from the Dillion Amphitheater parking lot to Montezuma.  Some of you may want to do the climb either to A-Basin or Loveland Pass.  Both of these rides are on the roads so stay to the right and be cautious.  For those that prefer to stay on the bike paths other rides are possible.  We will meet in the parking lot ready to go at 9:30 am.  Bonnie will have the grill going so bring something to cook as well as to share after the ride.  As always bring what you prefer to drink.
Help is still needed for the triple bypass ride July 13 and 14.  Volunteers will work only a three hour shift (possibly split between the two days) and will receive lunch at the CTS ride as well as a ticket to a Rockies baseball game.
In case of a breakdown on the day of the ride call my cell number is 970-393-2190.
Ride safe and have fun!
John Bowyer

Thursday, June 6

New Season!

Spring and warmer weather has FINALLY arrived in Summit County and our weekly group rides are underway. Visit the Group Rides page on our website for a calendar of our plans. Take a look also at our Youth Program series underway again this summer. All our members are invited - indeed encouraged - to join them whenever you are looking for another ride opportunity. 

It's also the time of the year for membership renewals. Please take a moment and go to the Membership page on our site to renew your membership for 2013. Dues are unchanged from the last two years; remaining a very modest $10 for an individual or $15 for a couple. Paypal, credit cards or checks are accepted. 

There are 423 Yahoo Groups members receiving this email compared to only 200 or so dues paying Summit Biking members the last few years. It would be spectacular if all the Yahoo Group members receiving this reminder would join to help support Summit Biking and our efforts to improve road cycling in Summit County. There has been some discussion of restricting access to the Yahoo Groups Summit Biking email list to current Summit Biking members if only 50% or so of the list members are interested in Summit Biking membership. Of course all club specific information is normally available on our website blog page or elsewhere on our site. If you are no longer interested in the Yahoo Groups emails and Summit Biking, you can remove yourself from the Yahoo email list by sending an email from the address where you receive these emails to

Lastly, note that the US Pro Cycling Challenge is again visiting Summit County with both a stage finish and a next day start in Breckenridge August 20-21. That's the Tuesday and Wednesday following the Circle The Summit ride on Saturday August 17th and our group ride on the Monday in between; making for a great 5 days of cycling in Summit County.

Monday, June 3

June 10 Ride

Hello Summit Bikers,
Sorry about the lack of a grill at this weeks picnic but it was due to miss-communication.  Next weeks ride will start at Dillion Amphitheater.  Be ready to ride by 9:30 am.  The ride will be started by Steve Ladin.  There will be a grill for cooking.  Please bring something to share with your friends, whatever you want to drink. 
John Bowyer