Wednesday, June 18

Circle The Summit Registration Fee Going UP!

There's just one week to go until registration fees for this glorious tour of some of Colorado's best bike routes go up! Register before June 30 and pay just $55.

Don't miss your chance to join 749 of your best friends on August 16 and hit the trails to raise funds to develop Recpaths, improve signage and build designated bike lanes around Summit County.

Choose one of four rides -- all of them supported by teams of trained personnel.
- 21 easy miles looping on the new bike path around Lake Dillon
- 45 intermediate miles that begin with the loop around the lake before heading up Vail Pass
- 60 advanced miles that will have you crossing the gorgeous Ute Pass
- a challenging, lung-buster of a ride 100 miles up and back over 6,000' feet across Ute Pass, A-Basin and Vail Pass

Visit and click on registration. Fees increase on July 1, so don't delay.