Hello Summit Bikers,
Monday was a great day to start the season on, with no rain for a change. Next week we are going to try a new route for us, starting at Minturn. After this we will be back on the schedule posted at www.Summitbiking.org. To get to the start got west to exit 171. Take the exit off to the right, turning right onto route 24 towards Minturn. Turn right into National Forest Center and park on the left close to route 24. Figure 45 minutes drive from Frisco. Plan to be ready to ride by 10 am.
There will be two routes, either turning right on route 24 and riding through Minturn and up Black Mountain or turning left and going under Interstate 70 and towards Edwards. The route up Black Mountain has a lot of uphill, riding on the shoulder. The route towards Edwards is a combination bike path and shoulder.
I am not sure about picnic facilities so it is best for those wanting to socialize afterwards to bring their own lunch and lawn chairs. Plan to be back at the start around 12:30.
Stay to the right and use hand signals to communicate.
Ride Safe,
John Bowyer