Hello Summit Bikers,Looking outside I can see the sun, so thought I should put out next weeks ride.Our next ride, May 27 will be between Idaho Springs and Georgetown and back. Be prepared to ride at 10 am. The major road work in Idaho Springs seems to be mostly over, so we are returning to the Courtney Ryley Cooper park (2350 Colorado Blvd). Idaho Springs built a parking lot in front of the park that will hold about 25 cars. Other parking is to the west on Colorado Blvd.To get to the park from Summit County take exit 240 from I 70, and turn left onto 13th Ave. Turn right on Colorado Blvd and continue on to park (on the left). The drive takes about 45 minutes. Picnic to follow at the park after the ride. Please bring something to share with your friends as well as a sandwich and something to drink. We will not have a grill.Riders are encouraged to use hand signals so others are aware of turns, stops and road obstacles. Riders are encouraged to wear name tags since there are many new people. Any name tag will do as long as it shows your name.
Ride safe and have fun!In case of a breakdown on the day of the ride call my cell number is970-393-2190.
John Bowyer
Wednesday, May 22
May 27 Ride
10:30 AM