Hello Summit Bikers:Some may be surprised I am still involved in organizing but deal with it. Time for the long awaited "Ice Cream Ride" to take place.
The ride Monday September 26th is to Ute Pass. There will be two starting points: North Pond in Silverthorne starting at 10AM (A group riders - faster group perhaps with pace line) or from the bottom of Ute Pass Road at 10:30AM (where Ute Pass intersects Route 9). Note the time change, since the weather will be cool in the morning.
The reward for the trip will be a picnic hosted by Bob and Jay Gilson in Hamilton Creek, Silverthorne. They will have a propane grill available for those who want to cook. Please bring something to eat AND SOMETHING TO SHARE WITH YOUR FRIENDS as well as your drink. Bob is making the ice cream so we all need to do our part and bring a side dish. For some reason this tends to draw the biggest crowd of the season -:)
Below are the details from Bob:
I plan to make some ice cream for the Ute Pass post-ride picnic at our house next Monday, 9/26. I expect to have plenty, but you just never know who the professional ice cream eaters are out there. The picnic will be on our deck and in the house so please leave your bike shoes off at the porch since we don't really have a lawn and the view is prettier from the deck anyway. We have about 6-8 deck chairs and about the same inside. The deck rail is 2x8 flat so it makes a good rest for a glass or dish.
From the Silverthorne Elementary School which is on Hamilton Creek Road, drive/ride1.3 miles up Hamilton Creek Rd., then turn right onto Crescent Moon Trail. We are the 4th house on the left and the address is: 0137 Crescent Moon Trail. For those of you who know Roger and Sue Paluska, they live in the first house on the left of the same road.
We give extra point for those who ride up to the house but if you are driving we have room for some 8-10 cars to park just beyond our driveway in a cul-de-sac. Plus, you can park along one side of the road to allow others from the few houses beyond us to get past. About 6 can park in our driveway but you will have to back down to get out. If you are concerned just carpool up from the elementary school OR this is where the extra points for riding up the hill come into play -:)
Bob's home phone is 262-6123 if any questions or problems. His cell is (405)210-6222 if you are calling while we are on the ride.
Depending on weather there will only be one or two rides after this one.
See you next Monday. I will send out another email if inclement weather and change of plans.Ride Safe!John Bowyer
Wednesday, September 21
Bike Ride September 26
7:54 AM