If you do not know Margaret Knode, please delete and sorry for the inconvience.
Hi, This is to give the news that Margaret Knode has been rebuilt better than before and slightly taller. The surgery went for about two hours and the surgeon reported to me that things were just as he expected. Originally he stated he expects a full recovery for Margaret, which means more biking skiing and all the things we love to do in For those that did not know Margaret started having tingling in the hands in May. At that time we thought it was a pinched nerve. She even saw a doctor in It is now 3:15 pm and Margaret is in her room for the night. She is weak on the right side, which the nurse says they will watch. She is in very little pain but sleepy as you might expect. If all goes well and some strength starts to return to her right side we expect to be out of here by noon Saturday and on our way back to Summit County. The nurse just had her press up her hands and strength seems to returning to the right side. In case we do not get out of here Saturday I will send another email. I am sure several of you will want to come by which will do Margaret some good. Please call 970 513-0610 before coming so I can make sure she does not have too much of a rush. John Bowyer |
Friday, August 28
Margaret Knode Surgery
4:48 PM