Thursday, November 4

Quiznos Pro Challenge Bike Race coming to Breckenridge

Mark your calendars! The Quiznos Pro Challenge professional bike race is coming to Breckenridge!

Breckenridge has been selected as one of 11 host cities for the inaugural version of this new pro bike stage race. Less than half the towns making proposals were selected. Bob Faucett & Rick Oshlo attended the press conference announcing the selected cities at the Capitol building in Denver Thursday. Breckenridge will be hosting the finish of the penultimate Stage 5 from Steamboat Springs to Breckenridge on Saturday August 27th, 2011. Detailed routes have not been finalized but more information on the race can be found on the race website at and in a short VeloNews article summarizing the press conference at

Summit Biking as been actively involved with the Breckenridge organizing committee since the beginning and has committed to undertake the overall volunteer organizing & coordination effort in support of Breckenridge and Summit County. This will be a great opportunity for Summit Biking members to get up close and inside the race. Combining the Quiznos race with the Bob Guthrie ride a week earlier gives us numerous opportunities to highlight Summit County and Summit Biking to residents and visitors. 

Clearly, helping make both the Guthrie Ride and only a week later the Quiznos race great events will be a challenge for us, but just think of the opportunities; a great multi-distance organized ride on one end, a serious pro race on the other and perhaps some hosted rides such as the Copper Triangle, Loveland Pass, Vail for lunch & back or "ride the Stage 5 course" in between for visitors! We are already talking with Breck and Frisco about what could be a great marketing opportunity for both Summit County and Summit Biking. What a week it will be for cycling in Summit County!

Wednesday, October 27

Ribbon cutting cancelled

To all Summit bikers,

Here is a message from Brad Eckert:



The Ribbon Cutting/Grand Opening of the Summit Cove Section of the Swan Mtn Recpath scheduled for October 29, 2010 at 10:00 a.m. has been cancelled due to winter weather conditions. The Grand Opening will be rescheduled for spring/summer of next year (2011).  Once we complete the spring plowing of our pathways we will couple this grand opening with a celebration of the 2011 cycling season.  Even more exciting will be the presentation of plans for the last phase of the Swan Mountain pathway from Sapphire Point to Highway 9.

For an update, the majority of the project is complete including paving, shoulders, revegetation, signing and striping. Construction of the handrail on the retaining wall is underway; however the winter weather conditions are slowing down fabrication. The project will be completed in its entirety by November 5, 2010.

Thank you for all your hard work and effort to make this project a reality. I look forward to celebrating the grand opening with you next year!

Please let me know if you have any questions.


Brad Eckert

Wednesday, October 20

A note from Summit Biking Board of Directors


To all Summit Biking Bikers,


The season is coming/has come to an end and we are putting away our bikes and pulling out our skis.  The Board of Directors of Summit Biking, Inc. (BOD) hope you enjoyed the year and we look forward to another great year, in 2011.  Here is an up-date of what is happening with Summit Biking.




At their quarterly meeting on October 7th, the following BOD/officers were elected, filling 9 of the 11 BOD positions.

            President          Bob Faucett

            Vice Pres.        Bob Chebul (Co-Chrmn of Circle the Summit Ride)

            Treasurer          Norm Stoller

            Secretary          Bonnie Guthrie

            Web Master     Rick Oshlo      

            At large            John Bowyer

            At large            Erin Kneedler (Co-Chrmn of Circle the Summit Ride)

            At large            Deb Nelson

            At large            Barry Lazarus

            At large            Vacant

            At large            Vacant

A special THANK YOU goes out to our Past president, Al Kahn, for all the years he has spent organizing and running (along with Bob Guthrie) Summit Biking.  Al has retired from the Board but promises to remain active with the group.




Due to your participation as dues paying members of Summit Biking and the success of the Circle the Summit / Bob Guthrie Memorial Ride, Summit Biking, Inc. is now on a solid financial footing.  In 2010, money was needed to put on the Monday rides, donate the helmet Medical Stickers to our members and the community, the usual insurance needs of organized rides, and mostly to revamp, organize and market the 2010 version of the Circle the Summit/Bob Guthrie Ride.

            Now that we have a small reserve for next year's needs, the BOD has voted to decrease the dues back to "previous year" levels of $10 per individual and $15 per couple.  Life time dues will remain the same at $100 per individual and $150 per couple.  Notice will be sent out in 2011 as to when dues can be sent in for next year.

            Your BOD thanks all of you for the help in getting Summit Biking over the "financial hump" we had to deal with in 2010.





So, you might be asking, "where is the money raised going to?"

The BOD has identified several projects we want to work on and help fund.  Your (the members of Summit Biking) input is welcome as to other project you think we should get involved with.


a)                  Lights in Vail Pass Tunnel: We are working with Summit County Open Space and Trails along with CDOT to design and get approved lighting in the Vail Tunnel next spring.

b)                  Bike rack at "Jeff Ferber's bench" in Frisco.  Hopefully we can get approval and get it installed next spring.

c)                  Improved signage throughout the Recpath System:  Summit County Open Space and Trails has asked for our input as to where the signage can be improved throughout the system.  This will be an on-going project.

d)                  Hwy 91 Road widening:  Summit Biking is simply in communication with CDOT on its "intended" 2011 project to widening Hwy 91 from Copper Mtn to where the road widens to three lanes farther up the hill towards Freemont Pass.  CDOT intends to widen this portion of the Highway to include 2 feet of shoulder space on both sides.  While not actual bike lanes, it will be a huge improvement.

e)                  Swan Mountain Recpath:  While the east side of the Swan Mountain Recpath Project is near completion, the job is not complete until we get the road widened and bike lanes added to the Sapphire to Farmer's Corner Phase of the Project.  The BOD will continue to work with Summit County to get this job done.  We are also beginning the effort to get the whole Swan Mountain Recpath project to be named in honor of Bob Guthrie.

(I just received notice from Summit County that the Ribbon Cutting ceremony, officially opening Phase 3 in Summit cove will be Friday Oct. 29th @10am.  The ceremony will be at the east portal of the Recpath near Royal Coachman Dr.  Signs should be posted to the location.)





I apologize for the lengthy up-date but wanted all the Summit Biking members to know what your BOD is up to.  Now, I am sure you are asking yourselves, "How can I help?"  Here are a few areas to consider getting involved with:


A)        Volunteer for next year's Circle the Summit Ride tentatively set for August 20th.


B)                 Breckenridge has put in a bid to become one of the stops on next year's Professional Bike Race-the Quiznos Pro Challenge.  Yes, Summit County may be part of Colorado's own mini-Tour de France.  If Breck receives the bid, Summit Biking has agreed to help man the volunteers that will be necessary for the day of the Race, as it passes thru Summit County.  Just think, you won't have to go to France or Italy to see a Stage Race with the world's best riders in competition.

C)                Please check out the Web Site – for new information as it gets posted and send the BOD your input as to suggestions on projects we should get Summit Biking involved with.  Send your comments to:

Also, take a look at the Web site for the stores that are offering card carrying Summit Biking members discounts.  Your BOD will continue to work to add other retailers to this list.



Have a great winter,

Bob Faucett, President

Summit Biking, Inc.

Fwd: Swan Mountain Recpath grand opening invitation

----- Forwarded Message -----
From: "BradE" <>
To: "BradE" <>
Sent: Wednesday, October 20, 2010 12:11:33 PM
Subject: Swan Mountain Recpath grand opening invitation

Greetings, please see attached invitation to the ribbon cutting and grand opening of the Summit Cove Section of the Swan Mtn Recpath.


Brad Eckert
Resource Specialist
Summit County Open Space & Trails
PO Box 5660
Frisco, Colorado 80443
970-668-4225 (fax)
<<Swan Mountain Recpath grand opening.pdf>>

Sunday, September 26

September 27 Ride

Hello Summit Bikers,

Good news, the weather is great and the bike ride for September 27 is a go! 
Those that want to ride the new bike path can meet in Silver Plume ready to ride
at 10 am.  Park close to the train station.  We will make our way up old route 6
to Bakersville and then on the new bike path up to Loveland.  Returning via the
same route, most of us will then ride down to Georgetown for lunch at the Happy
Cooker (412 6th Street).  I think we should all be at luinch around 12:30. 
Margaret will be riding from the Georgetown visitor center (towards Idaho
Springs) starting at 10 am if anyone wants to join her and will then meet us all
for lunch. This should be a great way to wrap up the season.  See you there.

John Bowyer

Friday, September 17

September 20 Ride

Hello Summit Bikers,

The numbers have really started to drop off as many people have left the
county.  Biking is still great however, so this week we should meet at the
Dillon Amphitheater parking lot.  It seems that all the leaders are out of the
county this week so people are on their own.  I suggest meeting at 10 am (to get
rid of the morning chill).  Bonnie will have the picnic stuff ready around
noon.  There will be no grill this week however since very few people have
cooked the last couple of weeks.
The last ride of the season September 27 will be a new ride.  We will meet at
Georgetown and either ride to Idaho Springs or up the new bike path from
Bakersville to Loveland.  Lunch will probably be at the Happy Cooker in
Georgetown.  More about this ride next week.
John Bowyer 

Friday, September 3

Tuesday, September 7 Ride

Hello Summit Bikers,

In an attempt to fool mother nature the Monday ride is on Tuesday next week. 
This also avoids the Labor Day crowds.  We will once again venture outside
Summit County to East Vail and attempt once again to either do the Vail Pass or
Vail Trail.  The ride will be from Big horn Park in East Vail.  I am checking on
the availability of the grill and will send out a follow up email.  In any case
plan to bring a dish to share with your friends.  Car pool if you can.

Directions to Big Horn Park:  Go West to exit 180 in East Vail.  Get off on the
right and turn left going under I-70 on Bighorn Road.  Go right on Streamside
Circle.  Stay on Streamside Circle and turn right on Meadow Drive.  Bighorn Park
is on the left ahead.

Hope to see you there.

John Bowyer

Saturday, August 28

Sunday August 29 and Monday August 30 Rides

Hello Summit Bikers,

Sunday afternoon we want to get together to support Summit County's effort to
get a stage of next years Quizno's Challenge Pro Bike Race.  Please wear your
Summit Bikers Jersey to show our colors to the race coordinators.  The hope is
to show them that Summit County supports biking in a big way and having a stage
of the race go through Summit County will receive a lot of support.  All rides
should start at 4 pm, riding clockwise and those people that do not mind riding
the road should use it for more visibility.  The exception is between
Breckenridge and Frisco where the path can be seen from the road and traffic at
that time of day may be heavy.  Going up Swan Mountain the path is safer as
well.  People can start from one of three locations.  If you live in
Breckenridge start at Kingdom Park just south of the recreational center.  Rich
Oshlo will be leading.  If you live in Frisco go from the marina.  Others can
meet me at the amphitheater parking lot.  After biking Margaret and I going
to Backcountry Brewery in Frisco to show our appreciation for them providing the
beer for the Circle the Summit Ride.

Regarding Monday's ride, we will meet in Dillon at the amphitheater parking lot
ready to roll at 9:30.  For many of our summer visitors this may be one of their
last rides so  this is a great location to start.  From there we have many
options as most of you know.  The main group will go to Montezuma, however you
may take a different route if you want.  Bonnie will have a grill going  so
bring something to cook and a dish to share with your friends. 

A short note on Margaret, who had an epidural shot to reduce swelling in her
spinal cord on  Friday.  This seems to be working as she now has feeling in her
left leg to her foot .  This has been a major problem for the last year and we
now have hope things will continue to improve over the next month or two. 

 John Bowyer

Thursday, August 26

Sunday August 29 Ride

Hello Summit Bikers,

Bob Faucett and myself sat in for Rick Oshlo today in one of the initial
planning meetings for the Quizno's Challenge Pro Bike Race.  It sounds like
Breckenridge has some good ideas about how to pull the various towns together to
make a bid for one of the overnight towns.  The Quizno race organizers will be
in town this Sunday and the Breckenridge planers asked if we could do a ride in
the afternoon so that some bikers are visible to the organizers as they are
given a tour of the area.  They asked that all that have the Summit Biking
Jersey wear them.  Things are not totally decided as I write this but the basic
plan is somewhere between 4 and 5 pm we will meet and do a loop around the
lake.  I think we can start at Dillon in the parking lot and finish there. 
Another email will be sent Saturday firming up the location and exact time.

John Bowyer

Friday, August 20

August 23 Ride

Hello summit County Bikers,

After checking with the weather gods it appears this Monday will be better for
The August 23 ride will go from Big Horn Park in East Vail at 9:30 am.  As
parking is

tight please car pool if you can.  From here we have the option of either
riding Vail Pass 
or through Vail.  Either of these are great rides.  Bonnie plans to start the
grill, so bring

what you want to cook and a dish to share with your friends. 

Directions to Big Horn Park:  Go West to exit 180 in East Vail.  Get off on the
right and turn left going under I-70 on Bighorn Road.  Go right on Streamside
Circle.  Stay on Streamside Circle and turn right on Meadow Drive.  Bighorn Park

is on the left ahead.

John Bowyer

Friday, August 13

August 16 Ride

Hello Summit County Bikers,

Fresh off the great 3rd annual Bob Guthrie Memorial Ride we are leaving the
county to visit Eagle County.  The August 16 ride will go from Big Horn Park in
East Vail at 9:30 am.  As parking is tight please car pool if you can.  From
here we have the option of either riding Vail Pass or through Vail.  Either of
these are great rides.  Bonnie plans to start the grill, so bring what you want
to cook and a dish to share with your friends. 

Directions to Big Horn Park:  Go West to exit 180 in East Vail.  Get off on the
right and turn left going under I-70 on Bighorn Road.  Go right on Streamside
Circle.  Stay on Streamside Circle and turn right on Meadow Drive.  Bighorn Park

is on the left ahead.

John Bowyer

Thursday, August 5

8/9 ride

We'll be returning to a favorite start place, the Dillon Amphitheater for our next ride. From there the options are all yours, including Montezuma, Loveland Pass, around the lake, etc. Have your foot in your pedal and ready to go at 9:30 for the ride of your choosing. After the ride we'll have our world famous picnic, with a BBQ, so bring something to burn, something to quench your thirst and the all important yummy to share.

Thursday, July 29

8/2 ride

Sorry this is so late, but I clicked on save draft rather than send.

The ride this week will be following the bikers on the Courage Classic. Meet, ready to ride at 9:30 at the Copper Mountain Transportation Center. From there the ride will be up to Fremont Pass, and perhaps a bit further if you have the time and energy. Having 2000 other riders on the road gives us an added bit of safety. If you don't want to ride on Rt 91 you can follow the bike path to Frisco, or Vail Pass. After the ride we will have our ever popular picnic, although without a BBQ. So bring something cold to eat and drink, and something yummy to share. And if you don't want to sit on the grass, bring a chair or 2. Also if anyone has a table they can bring please contact Bonnie at: and let her know.

Friday, July 23

July 26 ride

This weeks ride will begin at the Breckenridge Rec Ctr at the usual 9:30 time. Park at the south end of the parking lot near the ball fields. There will be 2 rides. One will be down the bike path to Frisco, or however far you want to go, and the other will be a hillier ride through the Highlands. As usual, after the ride we will have our picnic, with BBQ, so bring something to burn and drink, and something to share with your fellow riders.

And just a gentle reminder for those few who might not have joined yet. Please go to, click on membership, and sign up.

Thursday, July 22

Idaho Springs to Georgetown road closed

Note from a DBTC/SB member saying the road between Georgetown Lake and the YMCA camp towards Idaho Springs is closed-hopefully for the re-paving that we all have been waiting for. 

Sapphire Point Dedication Photos

Dave Dise took some great photos of the recent Sapphire point rec path segment ribbon cutting and early riders.

They are available here: The link is also on our website home and area rides page.

Take a look, enjoy and download any you would like.

Thursday, July 15

July 19 ride

Summit Bikers Ice Cream Social to Ute Pass ride - 2010

Next week’s ride will be to Ute Pass, with a picnic afterward at the home of Bob and Jay Gilson in Hamilton Creek, Silverthorne. Meet at the base of Ute Pass Rd, where it intersects with Rt 9 ready to ride at 9:30. While waiting for the ride to start, make sure you stay clear of the road which gets some truck traffic. For those who want to ride from Silverthorne, the info is below. They'll have a propane grill available for those who want to cook. As usual, bring something to eat and drink and something to share. As a special treat, Bob intends to make some ice cream which will go as far as it goes, since we never know how many people will be there. Below are the details from Bob:

I plan to make some ice cream for the Ute Pass post-ride picnic at our house next Monday, 7/19. I expect to have plenty, but you just never know who the professional ice cream eaters are out there. The picnic will be on our deck and in the house, so please leave your bike shoes off at the porch, since we don’t really have a lawn, and the view is prettier from the deck anyway. We have about 6-8 deck chairs and about the same inside. The deck rail is 2x8 flat, so it makes a good rest for a glass or dish.

Ice cream flavors we expect to have:

- Tour de French Vanilla

- Blueberry Cheesecake Swirl

- Orange Dreamsicle

- Coffee Gelato

- Strawberry Daiquiri Sorbet

We do have a very friendly dog named "Kelly" (my wife, Jay, always says, "Her Mom was a German Shepherd and her Dad was a good dog, too.") who thinks anyone who comes over came just to see her. However, she does not get 'people food', so please don't offer her a tidbit or anything which might fall on the floor. The end result is that she doesn't beg for food - just ice cubes and attention. You’ll see her hanging around the ‘magic ice cube machine

on the front of the refrigerator.

Directions to our house are very easy as follows:

From the Silverthorne Elementary School, which is on Hamilton Creek Road, drive/ride 1.3 miles up Hamilton Creek Road, then turn right onto Crescent Moon Trail. We’re the 4th house on the left and the address is: 0137 Crescent Moon Trail. For those of you who know Roger and Sue Paluska, they live in the first house on the left of the same road.

We give extra points for those who ride up to the house, but if you’re driving, we have room for some 8-10 cars to park just beyond our driveway in a cul-de-sac; plus you can park along one side of the road to allow others from the few houses beyond us to get past. About 6 can park in our driveway, but you’ll have to back down to get out. If you're concerned, just carpool up from the elementary school. Or, this is where the extra points for riding up the hill come into play.

For those who want to ride from Silverthorne, I'll see you at the elementary school at 8:30 for departure about 8:40 next Monday morning so we can ride up Highway 9 to Ute Pass Road for the ride. If you plan to ride from the school, please email me so we know who'll be there. My email is:

Bob and Jay Gilson, & Kelly

Home phone is: 262-6123 if any questions or problems. My cell phone is: (405) 210-6222 if you're calling when I'm on the bike.

Sunday, July 11

July 12 Ride

This weeks ride will be the second edition of Chipotle offering to contribute 50% of sales to improvement of the Summit County Bike Path System. To maximize that contribution we are ordering and delivering burritos to Monday's ride. The ride will begin as usual at 9:30 at the Dillon Amphitheater. The official ride will be around the lake, but there are other options such as Keystone/Montezuma, Frisco, etc.

If you haven't joined Summit Biking for 2010, go to, click on Membership, and join the rest of us.

Tuesday, June 29

New mountain Bike for sale

A neighbor just won a brand new Gary Fisher-Marlin mountain bike.

She doesn't mountain bike and wants to sell it.


It is a 17.5 frame that can be traded up to a larger frame, dual suspension and disc brakes.


Retail is $800.  She is willing to deal.


If interested, contact Erika Schmidt at 970-409-9236 or at



Sunday, June 27

Ribbon cutting Tuesday June 29th.

The county is asking that we do NOT ride up the new Sapphire Recpath section before the ribbon cutting ceremony on Tuesday.  For those of you that are going to ride up to the ceremony, you will have to take either the road up from the High School or use Swan Mountain Rd from the top of the Lowry section.


The ceremony is at 11.00am and, as you know, there is very limited parking at the Sapphire parking area-most of which will be used by County officials.


Thank you for your cooperation.


Bob F

Saturday, June 26

June 28 Ride

The June 28 ride will be our annual jaunt north on Rt 9 from Silverthorne to Heeney. Meet at the southern entrance of the Heeney Rd ready to ride at 9:30. We'll ride 11 miles to where the north end of Heeney Rd reaches Rt 9 and back again to the start.

After the ride, we'll drive (or bike) to the Eagles Nest Pavilion in Silverthorne for lunch. The pavilion entrance is the north Eagles Nest Entrance under the pillars. There we will have a BBQ available if you want to cook, so bring something to eat, drink and share.

There will not be a group ride July 5th due to the holiday weekend, so Monday will be your last chance to pre-order your Chipotle burrito. If you miss Monday's ride, you can order the morning of July 12th, but get your order in this week if possible.

An order form is attached. Bring it to this Monday's ride with (hopefully) exact change. Chipotle is making a contribution to the bike path system for each burrito ordered that day, so you can feel good about eating lunch. Just give the order form to Arnie or Shelly Hendon or one of the members of the board of directors.

Thursday, June 24

Ribbon cutting for the Swan Mountain Path

On Tues June 29 at 11AM, there will be a ribbon cutting ceremony for the Sapphire section of the Swan Mountain Path. This will be at the Sapphire Point parking area where the new section terminates. I hope you can all be there and join the festivities. There will be no parking at the site, so you will have to ride or walk there. We'll have more info about those options soon.

Thursday, June 17

Monday 6/21 Ride

As very few of us were at the ride last week, next weeks ride will once again begin at the Frisco Marina at 9:30. The planned ride will be from there up to Copper Mountain, and maybe to Vail Pass. Of course there are other options from there that allow you to go to Breck, over the dam to Dillon, etc. As usual there will be lunch (but no BBQ) after the ride, so bring something to eat, drink and share. There is limited seating and few tables, so you might want to bring a chair or blanket to sit on, and if you have a table we could use a couple of those.

And once again, if you are just getting into the County, or it slipped your mind, please go to www.summitbiking. org, and click on "membership" towards the top of the page. There you will have the opportunity to activate your membership in the best biking group in Summit County for 2010.

Again this year Chipotle is having a support the bike paths day. This year's will be on July 12, and we will take your order and pick up the Burritos and bring them back to the picnic after the ride. Attached is the form you need to fill out and bring to the ride on Monday. If possible please bring the exact amount or a check made out to Summit Biking. Just find one of the Board members or Arnie Hendon to collect them. The earlier we get your order the better.

Sunday, June 13

Why has Summit Biking changed

Many of you might be wondering why Summit Biking has gone from a low-key group to the nonprofit corporation it is now. And it’s a good question as we haven’t fully explained the reasons. Bob Guthrie and I began Summit Biking 12 years ago. We had 12 bikers at that first ride, and Bob and I knew them all, having ridden and skied with them. Word got out about the fun we were having, and more bikers came out each Monday and numbers increased exponentially. Even with the larger number of participants we still kept it simple as the years went by, even though we no longer knew everyone. However with the advent of construction of the Swan Mountain Rec Path, things became more complicated. Early in the design, fundraising, and then construction, the Northwest Colorado Council of Governments (NWCCOG) was the actual fundraiser, with members of Summit Biking on the Friends of the Swan Mountain Rec Path committee. As the Swan Mountain project comes to a close, NWCCOG has removed itself from the scene. In order to continue the fundraising efforts and, in particular, to have a home for the Bob Guthrie Ride, a new nonprofit organization was necessary.

It was decided, as the majority of the Rec Path members were also involved with Summit Biking, that Summit Biking should be that entity. So with the premise that riding was what we were all about, Summit Biking became a nonprofit corporation. For tax purposes and liability issues, it was decided that there was really no other option. Go to our home page at and read our mission statement. In part it says: “Our mission is to enhance recreational bicycling opportunities in Summit County…” It adds that we aim to be a fundraising resource to enhance recreational riding opportunities in Summit County. Through your generous contributions, previous “Bob Guthrie Memorial Rides” and the annual concert, we have raised approximately $75,000. This money was used for matching funds that generated over $400,000 in total private funds being raised.

At this time we are looking at using the funds from your dues and receipts from the 2010 CIRCLE THE SUMMIT RIDE, to be held August 14, to light the tunnel at the top of Vail Pass and for whatever additional expenses are needed by the county to finish Phase 3 (Summit Cove) of the Swan Mountain Recpath. We have already had considerable impact as a force in biking in Summit County, when CDOT listened to our comments regarding signage and center rumble strips when repaving Loveland Pass. And to continue this, we have written a letter of support for rerouting the rec path behind the Conoco Station at Copper and hope this eventually leads to a path up Freemont Pass.
As this is your group and we want to know where you want enhancements made to the entire Summit County road-biking experience, please let us know so the Summit Biking Board of Directors can compile our collective wish list.

Summit Biking by necessity has evolved. But the simpler lifestyle we all aspire to is still present each and every Monday. We ride; we eat; we talk; we make friends; and then we do it again. We hope all of you remain members and recruit others to join us in this truly unique experience. Yes, there are dues and a waiver to complete, but when you look out at the mountains and shift into a lower gear to make that hill, remember why we love to ride. Finally, let us know how we are doing and what we can do to make this an even better experience.

Al Kahn

Thursday, June 10

Black Hawk Bike Ban

See here for Bicycle Colorado's summary on the Black Hawk Bike Ban and their efforts to mitigate it out of concern for setting a precedent for other towns.

June 14th ride---Update

To clarify the ride announcement, there won't be a BBQ available this Monday. Also you might want to bring your own chair, and we could use 2-3 tables. If you plan on bringing a table , please respond to me, so we can alert everyone when we have enough.



Wednesday, June 9

June 14th ride

Next weeks ride will begin at the Frisco Marina at the usual time of 9:30. The planned ride will be from there up to Copper Mountain, and maybe to Vail Pass. Of course there are other options from there that allow you to go to Breck, over the dam to Dillon, etc. As usual there will be lunch after the ride, so bring something to eat, drink and share.

And once again, if you are just getting into the County, or it slipped your mind, please go to, and click on "membership" towards the top of the page. There you will have the opportunity to activate your membership in the best biking group in Summit County for 2010.

Monday, June 7

Bicycle Ban on all Roads in BLACK HAWK

Received this from our Denver Bicycling Tour Club friends:

Yesterday I rode with team evergreen up the the central city parkway to Black Hawk and 7 of us got stopped by the police in black hawk at the post office/coffee shop at our re-group point. Black hawk passed an ordinance (attached) last July that just went into effect in the last 2 weeks that BANS BICYCLES ON ALL ROADS in black hawk!!

The only road through BH that you can ride a bike is 119, but there are no roads you can ride on from central city parkway to get to 119 or 119 to central city parkway!

They didn't see us ride our bikes, so no tickets.

Police told us that they "have been instructed not to give warnings".

So when you hit the city limit, you have to dismount and walk your bike about a mile down the steep hill to get to 119 & peak to peak highway and to do the golden gate canyon loop or turn around at that point (to avoid the walk back up the hill).

Please pass the word so no cyclist gets a ticket. I also know in some small towns (maybe Nederland, but I may be wrong), if you get stopped and you don't have a photo ID, you will get a ticket for that as well, I have no idea if Black Hawk has a rule like that. I thought if an announcement came from you, more people may read it than if I posted it as a discussion on the site.

I think I need to do the only honorable thing.... launch a facebook page "bicyclist against the black hawk bike ban"!!!

Give a call if you want to talk live!




Attachment(s) from Ludwig

1 of 1 File(s)


Children's bike

Bill Pritchett is looking for a road or cross bike for his grand son Ian.

Ian is 10 years old, has climbing Montezuma with us on a small mountain bike and Bill is trying to get him up the hills faster and easier(until he starts beating Bill, then he will wish he kept him on the mountain bike:):)

If anyone knows of a skinny wheel or cross bike for a young guy with a 26" in seam-(a 25" frame??), please send Bil a note at:

Thursday, June 3

Swan Mountain Update

Word has it that the contractor is on-site and mobilizing to asphalt the Sapphire segment. The work is expected to be completed by the end of the month. Also, bids are due back June 9th for the Summit Cove segment, with a goal of starting construction the latter half of June.

June 7 ride

The first Monday ride of the bike season is also the first in Summit County, so we hope everyone here will join us. The ride will start from the Dillon Amphitheater at 9:30. The official route will be heading towards Swan Mountain and then up the path. From there you can return to the start, or continue heading up and around the lake. As there is the usual construction on Tenderfoot St at the beginning of the path, you might also want to consider riding in the other direction to Frisco. As usual there will be a BBQ so bring something to grill, drink and share with the other riders.

And if you haven't completed your membership for this year, please go to click on the member icon, and join your friends in Summit Biking.

Monday, May 31

June 1 Bike Ride

Hello Summit Bikers,

Tuesday June 1st is a go for the first bike ride of the season from Bear Creek Lake Park in Lakewood. Directions and fee information are in the previous email. The weather should be warmer than most of us are used to but not too hot. You may want to bring a swim suit to swim in the lake after the picnic, great way to cool off.

If anyone has room for an extra rider for a round trip let me know at 970 513-0610.

See you there ready to go at 10 am.

John Bowyer

Tuesday, May 25

June 1 Ride

Hello Summit Bikers,

The first ride of the season will be held Tuesday, June 1 at Bear Creek Lake Park in Lakewood just off route 470. The ride will begin at 10 am from the Skunk Hollow picnic area in the park. Two rides are available either along Bear Creek to the Platte River or a loop up to Lookout Mountain and back. We will have a grill for those wanting to cook. Please bring something to share and of course whatever you want to drink.

Bear Creek Lake Park is just over an hour drive from exit 205 on I 70. Go east on I 70 toward Denver. At 470 go south and take the Morrison Road exit on the right. At the stop light go left under 470. Bear Creek Lake Park is on the right in about a 1 mile. There is a cost per car to enter the park, $4 for seniors, $5 for all others. Take the first right after the entrance and Skunk Hollow is on the right. Be sure to check your email the Monday before the ride, since if there is a high chance of bad weather we will not go.

For those who have not become members of Summit Biking now is the time to go to our web site,, and become a member. Click on the membership tab to join. Joining online is quick and secure. While at the website take a look at all the features.

The Third Annual Guthrie Ride is quickly approaching and there are things that need to be done to make it a success. This includes helping out at Wilderness Sports during pre-registration pick up, checking off participants and passing out goody bags. This takes place Friday thru Sunday July 30 to August 13. This will also give you a chance to take advantage of the 15 percent discount Summit Biking is offered through Wilderness Sports. In addition, goody bags need to be prepared. In past years we have done this as a small group of around 10 people a few days prior to pre-registration. Neither of these activities is difficult or time consuming but volunteers are needed to assist. Anyone interested in helping with one or both of these activities can respond to John Bowyer at Ride details are on the Summit Biking web site.

Looking forward to another great season of biking in Summit County!

John Bowyer

Tuesday, May 11


From watching the weather, it might be tough to be thinking of biking, but in less than 4 weeks the first ride of the season will be upon us. So the next few days while the weather is less than terrific would be a good time to complete your Summit Biking membership, if you haven't already done so. Along with participating in all the fun activities your membership brings you other benefits. To name one; Wilderness Sports, a sponsor of the Circle the Summit Ride to be held on August 14, is offering a 15% discount on all cycling gear to Summit Biking members.

From here just go to: and click on the membership link. On that page you can see your friends who have already joined. Pick your membership option and click on pay now, which will take you to Paypal. Complete your payment, and then the membership page, and you will be a full fledged member of Summit Biking for 2010. If you prefer not to pay online, then follow the instructions regarding downloading membership and waiver pages, and mail them to the address shown.

Monday, April 26

People for Bikes, Now!

To all,

This is from a friend that coaches Jr. Olympians in Nordic Skiing.  I trust his judgement and it is pertaining to biking.


Bob Faucett

Hi there,

I just learned about a great new website to support pro-bike policies and spread the joy of bikes! Check out! They're collecting one million names in support of a better world for biking -- one that's safer, more convenient, and more appealing for everyone.

Every day, millions of Americans  like us ride for their health, for the environment, for their communities, and for the pure joy of bicycling. But until now, only a tiny fraction of riders have stood up to help improve bicycling in America. is going to change all that. They're building a national movement with the clout and influence to get things done. That means promoting bike riding on an individual level, but also sending a unified message to our elected leaders, the media, and the public that bicycling should have their full support.

Check out their great new website to take a pledge for biking and learn how you can help:


Saturday, April 17

Fwd: Recpath plowed


A note from Brad Eckert, out County Open Space and Trails "go to" guy.  Enjoy.


PS:  It's time to go on and sign up to be a member this year.  Official Monday rides start start in June
----- Forwarded Message -----
From: "BradE" <>
Sent: Friday, April 16, 2010 8:49:29 AM GMT -07:00 US/Canada Mountain
Subject: Recpath plowed

Bob, just wanted to let you know that all sections of the recpath has been plowed except for Ten Mile Canyon from Frisco to Copper. We are in the process of sweeping, but are having trouble with our equipment. There is lots of debris still on sections, so be careful.

You can pass this on to the club, or anyone else.


Brad Eckert
Resource Specialist
Summit County Open Space & Trails
PO Box 5660
Frisco, Colorado 80443
970-668-4225 (fax)

Monday, April 12

Circle the Summit /Third Annual Bob Guthrie Memorial Ride

To Summit Bikers:

It looks like biking season is officially getting under way.  Some of us have had beautiful days in the Denver area getting back in "biking" shape.  You don't have to put your skis away just yet but you do need to get your bike out.


You all know that the Circle the Summit Ride is on Saturday, August 14th at its new venue on 3rd Avenue, between Main and Granite in Frisco.   You also know that the Website and registration is up and running at   You can also get to that Web site through our Summit Biking site at  Our goal is to obtain 750 riders (our maximum number that will be allowed to register) this year.


You can help by signing up early, if you intend to ride, and talking up the ride with others that you ride with.  Some of us got two Denver people to sign up simply by chatting with them about the ride at a water stop last week.  It's that easy.


What you don't know is that starting next week, and every two weeks there-after, will be advertising our Ride to approximately 47,000 Front Range athletes.  We hope/expect that this will fill the register to the max sooner than later.  So, if you are going to do our Ride, sign up soon.


See you on the bike trails,


Bob Faucett

Wednesday, March 10

Cycling Directions in Google Maps

Google Maps has just introduced a beta function to get cycling directions. The big plus is that Google Maps will plot the route along known bike paths, including those in Summit County. Go to and click in Bicycling Directions. Then enter a start and end point such as Breckenridge Recreation Center, 80424 and Vail, CO. Google will plot the route and provide directions along the bike paths.

Sunday, February 14

Summit Biking News

Although we haven't had our normal ration of snow, most of us still think of it as winter, especially after the recent snowfall. But there has been quite a bit of activity at Summit Biking, and we'd like you to know about it.

Summit Biking is now the proud owner, and will be organizing and operating the Circle the Summit-Bob Guthrie Memorial Ride. Thanks to the efforts of Bob Faucett, Erin Kneedler, and Bob Chebul, the event co-chairs, much progress has been made, and this years event, to be held Saturday August 14 will be spectacular. The ride will begin and end in Frisco in conjunction with Music on Main Street. Mark your calendars for that date. The all new ride website at will be up and running shortly.

If you haven't been to our website at recently, check it out. Thanks to the efforts of Web Meister Rick Oshlo some dramatic changes have been made. The most obvious is on the membership page, where you can now renew your membership online. You might notice that we have added some membership categories. Along with the annual membership of $15 you can also join as a couple for $25. And we now offer lifetime memberships for singles for $100 and couples at $150. Just choose your option and click on pay now, and you'll go to Paypal to make your payment. After that remember to click on the button in Paypal to return to our site to complete the membership form and waiver.

Renew NOW while you're thinking about it by clicking on the Summit Biking link and then going to the membership page.

Enjoy the rest of winter and hope for more snow.