To all Summit Biking members:
I know that we all are deep into the great powder this season but it still can be time to look ahead.
This is going to be a fun summer, especially with both our Circle the Summit Ride on August 20th and the Quiznos Pro Challenge, starting the next day and finishing Stage 5 (Day 6) in Breckenridge on August 27th.
We will need all the help we can get on both the 20th and 27th, so mark your calendars. Of course, if you can only pick one event to help out at, make it our Circle the Summit Ride on the 20th. That event, after all, is the major fund raiser for Summit Biking. If you can do both, all the better.
To volunteer for the Circle the Summit Ride, please contact Bonnie Guthrie. To volunteer for the Quiznos pro Challenge, register on Quizno's Volunteer Registration Website at:
Have a great winter, ski hard, and see you all next summer.
Bob Faucett
President, Summit biking