Summit Biking Up-Date
Hi all,
I have attached a Word Document as well as copied it below for those that can't open Word. See ya all soon (That's Texan for See you at the next Monday Ride.)
From: Bob Faucett, President, Summit Biking
To: All Summit Biking members and potential members
Ref: Spring 2011 up-date
Board of Directors:
· President Bob Faucett
· Vice President Bob Chebul
· Treasurer Norm Stoller
· Secretary Bonnie Guthrie
· Membership Barry Lazarus
· Monday rides John Bowyer
· Webmaster Rick Oshlo
· Youth program Deb Nelson
· Government Brad Eckert
· Circle the Summit ride Erin Jones
· Past president Al Kahn
Hi everyone.
Our first ride of the season is just around the corner and it's time to get the bikes tuned and ready to go.
Before I start with this up-date of what Summit Biking has been up to, let me take a moment to express, from all of us, our condolences to Carol Pritchett over the loss of Bill. He was a great friend and always a great help with Summit Biking. Bill will be missed. Don't miss Bill's Celebration of life on June 27th at the new Frisco Day Lodge, across from the Nordic Center. This will take place after our Monday Ride.
Without too much detail, I'd like to bring you up to speed on a number of things your BOD has been up to. If you don't have time to read this whole up-date, please just skip to #8 (the last paragraph) below-we need you help!!!!
1. Vail Pass Tunnel Lighting: We are in the process of putting lighting in the Vail Tunnel. It should be completed around Memorial Day. There have been several bad accidents as riders enter the dark tunnel and this will, hopefully, avoid any more of them. The approximate $8,000 cost is from revenues from last year's Circle the Summit Ride.
2. Swan Mountain Recpath Project: As you have all seen in the SDN, construction of the final leg of the Swan Mountain Recpath will start soon. The County is going to widen the section of road from the High School to the top at Sapphire Point, including a dedicated bike lane on the up-hill side of the road. This will complete the Swan Mountain Recpath project that so many of us have contributed long hours to as well as many dollars. Everyone involved with Summit Biking can and should be very proud when we ride from Summit Cove to the High School on this great new Recpath, completing the "Circle" around the reservoir. Somewhere, Bob Guthrie is smiling.
3. Circle the Summit Ride(CTS): This year's edition of the Circle the Summit/Bob Guthrie Memorial Ride Co-chaired by Bob Chebul and Erin Kneedler-Jones is August 20th. Again this year, it will start and finish on 3rd St, Frisco, between Main and Granite. As always, volunteers are needed to make this event as successful as it has been the last few years. For information on the Ride, go to If you plan to volunteer this year (and we can't run the event without you), please contact your committee chair person, if you know who that is, or contact Bonnie Guthrie at
4. U S Pro Cycling Challenge: A week after our Circle the Summit Ride, on Saturday, August 27th, Breckenridge (all of Summit County, for that matter) is hosting the 6th Day of the US Pro Cycling Challenge. This will take a lot of manpower and volunteers are needed and welcome. Rick Oshlo is Chairman of the Volunteer Committee for this day of the weeklong Event. While our Circle the Summit Ride is Summit Biking's main fund raiser and priority, if you have time to volunteer two weeks in a row, please sign up at:
5. Monday Rides: John Bowyer is heading up all the Monday Rides this year. You can find the proposed bike routes for each Monday at
We will be announcing a slightly different format for the Monday Rides, so stay tuned. For now, we want everyone that shows up on a Monday to know they can find a group to ride with and that there will be a designated leader of those that want to ride with a specific group. Think in terms of skiing with the over the Hill Gangs. More on that later.
6. Youth Program: The BOD is very excited about this Project. New this year, the BOD of Summit Biking is making a commitment to get more young people off their butts and on road bikes. To this end, we have partnered with Podium Sports, a young elementary school teacher by the name of Peder Hanson, and parents of interested young people, to put together the Summit Biking Youth Development Program (SBYDP). You'll be hearing a lot more about this in the near future.
Deb Nelson is acting as chairman of this project and through her efforts, we are hoping for a great youth program similar to what Jeff Westcott (Maverick Sports) has done with the youth of Summit County through his Mountain Biking Junior League. Jeff is working with Deb to help us get this Program for road biking off the ground.
In essence, we will be organizing 6 to 10 group rides, probably on Sunday mornings and Tuesdays, also in the morning, which will consist of a short educational program on biking, followed by an hour-long ride for various abilities. There will be no races this year, but that is in the plans for next year.
We will be needing volunteers to help lead some of the rides and work with the kids. When the final schedule is out, and if you would like to join us on this fun and worthwhile event, please contact Deb or Peder at ""
7. Webmaster: A very big "Thank you" to Rick Oshlo for his continued work keeping our great Web Site up to date and running. He has done a terrific job. There is a lot of information on the site-everything from all the usual bike routes around Summit County that you can direct visitors to, to a link to PayPal where you can renew your membership. Visit it at
8. FINALLY: Summit Biking can only continue with the support of all of its members. It is time to go to our Web site at and renew your membership for this year, unless you have already joined as a life member. Also, the Circle the Summit Ride needs new blood. All the chair people are getting very tired. The Circle the Summit Ride is our only fundraiser and if it ends due to a lack people stepping forward to help run it, then we will have developed and lost a great event. Please consider stepping forward to take over for the chairmen you may have worked with during the Ride these last three years. We need new blood!!!