Hello Summit Bikers,Next weeks ride, July 1, will be the Green Mountain Reservoir. The start of the ride is at the intersection of Route 9 and Heeney Road, approximately 20 miles north of Silverthorne (If you can see the reserviour you have driven too far.). Plan to be ready to ride at 9:30 am. Most of the parking is on route 9 at the intersection with Heeney Road. Be careful crossing route 9 as it is a busy road. Heeney Road is not very busy but it is a road with some traffic and people are encouraged to ride single file near the shoulder. I realize we did this ride a few weeks ago, but normally due to a high number of visitors we do not ride July 4 week. I chose Green Mountain since it is away from most of the visitors and with July 4 on a Thursday most campers will come up for a long weekend on the Fourth.Afterwords, we will have a picnic at North Pond in Silverthorne. North Pond is across from the elementary school at the corner of Hamilton Creek Road and Route 9. Please bring something to share with your friends, whatever you want to drink and sandwich. We will not have a grill this week. Be sure to wear name tags, especially at the picnic.John BowyerThis is a fun ride to bring a guest along since it is an out and back and difficult to get lost on.Ride Safe!
Tuesday, June 25
July 1 Ride
4:16 PM

Tuesday, June 18
June 24 Bike Ride
Hello Summit Bikers,Next week, June 24 we are doing Tour De Soda. Plan to meet at Dillon Amphitheater at 9:30 am, ready to ride. We will have a grill so plan to bring something to grill, as well as something to share and drink.The route takes us to the River Run Area of Keystone, out to the Old Ranch House, through Soda Creek and back to our cars. Please print out the directions below and have them with you. There are a number of turns but once you ride through it is not that complicated.There are lots of new members this year and I ask each of you to make a special effort to make them fell welcome. Wear name tags so people get to know each other better.TOUR DE SODABike path to River Run Area of Keystone(some may prefer different routes)On road through Mountain House Area andpast area where we normally weave through the fenceTo Keystone Ranch House RoadJust before the Ranch Restaurant turn left to stay onKeystone Ranch House RoadAt end of road return to weave through fence (At River Run Golf course)(normal place where we ride)You should be on Elk Spur LaneGo straight / left at Elk CircleGo left on River Course Drive and stay to far right onwhat appears to be a sidewalk (It is the communitypath and may have gravel)Stay on path until the end and go right (It looks like agolf path) and is steep in placesStay straight on the path crossing over a roadWhen Path takes a hard left stop walk through complex to right(Option is to turn left on Swan Mtn and follow directions below)Left onto Summit DriveLeft onto Vail CircleLeft onto Summit Drive / Cove BlvdLeft on Whispering Pines Ranch RoadLeft on Forest Glen RoadRight on Royal Coachman BlvdAt Coachman Court get on bike pathReturn to StartThe route should take about 2 to 2.5 hours. Lunch and the meeting will be in the picnic area shelter.I still need assistance to put out picnic supplies. Please contact me at bikebreck@yahoo.com if willing even for a few weeks. Two positions on the board will be open soon as well. Summit Biking has had an impact on our community and we need your help to continue.Ride safe!John Bowyer
11:12 AM

Monday, June 17
June 17 Ride Cancelled
Everything looks wet and the odds of more rain are very high so I feel we should not ride today. Things should be better next week.
7:25 AM

Sunday, June 16
June 17 Ride
Hello Summit Bikers,
Tomorrows ride, June 17 will be from North Pond in Silverthorne. The weather looks very iffy so if it is raining at 9:15 do not come. Otherwise meet at North Pond and we will ride toward Keystone at 9:30. North Pond is across from the elementary school at the North end of Silverthorne, just off route 9. Those that want to risk going further should have rain gear. We will have a picnic back at North Pond so please bring something to share as well as sandwich and drink. We will not have a grill this week since the probability of rain is high and cooking out in the rain is not fun.
Sorry for the late notice but just got back from RTR and looked at the weather.
Ride Safe,
John Bowyer
2:12 PM

Thursday, June 13
Status of Ten Mile Canyon Path between Frisco & Copper Mountain
Summit County and their contractor have started clearing the Ten Mile Canyon path through Officer's Gulch between Frisco and Copper Mountain. Barring significant damage to the path being uncovered, they hope to have the path open by mid-July.
Summit County Open Space and Trails also announced that the path between Copper Mountain and the Vail Pass rest area has been cleared and is now open for the season.
See the recent Summit Daily news article for additional detail and some photos.
Summit Biking
9:51 PM

Tuesday, June 11
Construction on US 6 Loveland Pass
The following is a message and attachment is from APC Construction regarding work being done on Loveland Pass. Note that cyclists riding uphill will be stopped and shuttled through the active construction zone. Those riding downhill will move with the traffic, which could be heavy due to traffic stops and delays.
Good Morning!
My name is Judy Lopez. I am the Public Information Officer for APC Southern Construction, we will be starting work on US 6 on Monday, June 17, 2017. I will be sending weekly updates, like the one attached, so that you will know what to expect and you travel through the project area. A couple of key things to keep in mind as work progresses:
- There will be no weekend or holiday work that will interrupt cycling events like the Triple Bypass
- A 10 foot width Restriction will be in place during project work hours.
Please share these with your constituents and please feel free to contact me at (970)406-2871 or email at jlopez@apc.us.com,if you have any questions.
Thank You!
10:00 PM

Sunday, June 9
Monday June 10 Ride Update
Some of you may have noticed that on Monday Dillon Lake Road will be closed. Thanks to Wayne and Ruth Haley for alerting me to this. After a little creative investigation, thanks to Karen Kaminski, we will still be able to meet at the amphitheater parking lot in Dillon.
If you are coming from the Keystone/Summit Cove area turn left at the Eagle statue/parking lot (the street is Tenderfoot after you turn), go straight up the hill and turn left on LaBonte., the turn left at the Arapahoe Cafe.
If you are coming from Silverthorne take the traffic circle ( roundabout) across from City Market and take LaBonte up towards the Arapahoe Cafe. Turn right at the Cafe.
Be ready to ride at 9:30. There is a picnic after so bring something to share. There will NOT be a grill on Monday.
If you have questions call, email or text.
Polly Koch
If you are coming from the Keystone/Summit Cove area turn left at the Eagle statue/parking lot (the street is Tenderfoot after you turn), go straight up the hill and turn left on LaBonte., the turn left at the Arapahoe Cafe.
If you are coming from Silverthorne take the traffic circle ( roundabout) across from City Market and take LaBonte up towards the Arapahoe Cafe. Turn right at the Cafe.
Be ready to ride at 9:30. There is a picnic after so bring something to share. There will NOT be a grill on Monday.
If you have questions call, email or text.
Polly Koch
7:44 AM

Saturday, June 8
June 17 Ride
Hello Summit Bikers,
The ride June 17 was to be be from Frisco Marina to Copper Mountain and on. Frisco Marina has limited parking and the recpath to Copper is still closed. Plan to meet at North Pond (Silverthorne) at 9:30, ready to ride. We will ride to Montezuma and return for a picnic in the park. I am putting this email out early since I am on Ride the Rockies next week and will not have communications. A follow up email will be put out June 16.
Ride safe and have fun!!
7:35 AM

Thursday, June 6
Ride Around the Lake Friday w/optional lunch at Dillon Market (10 am)
The weekly Friday rides around the lake start again tomorrow morning. Meet at the bench (@10) where the Silverthorne bike path comes up and meets the dam path (Dillon). We'll head clockwise around the lake (up Swan Mtn bike path) and back through Frisco somehow. This is the first week for the Dillon market so if you have time, stop and have a bite to eat.
The weather looks good. Hope to see you out there.
12:06 PM

Wednesday, June 5
June 10 Bike Ride
Hello Summit Bikers,We have a guest leader next week, Polly Koch as her husband a few others including me will be lost somewhere in Colorado doing Ride The Rockies.Meet at the Dillon Amphitheater parking lot and be ready to ride at 9:30. The loop around the lake is only 18 miles so get in some extra miles with out & backs to Keystone or Breckenridge to make it a 2+ hour ride. We will have the picnic lunch at the pavilion overlooking the lake. Please bring something to share with your friends as well as a sandwich and whatever you would like to drink.Sue Paluska and Margaret Knode have offered to help set up for the picnic. In the future I will need some other volunteers to assist me in in the picnic set up. If you are willing to help out for a couple of weeks or more please contact me at bikebreck@yahoo.com.If you have a name tag from any organization please bring it & wear it. Remember you are dealing with old people that have problems remembering names from one year to another.One other item for you to think about. There are two board members leaving this year and most of the other members have served a very long time (ie. their old). Summit Biking is a wonderful organization but needs others to step up and help with the mission. Think about being a part of the organization instead of just a participant. The time commitment is not larg and it is always good to get fresh ideas. Anyone with questions or who want to express an interest either contact me (at the email above) or Bob Giodano (pa1co2rv3@yahoo.com).Ride safe and have fun!John Bowyer
9:10 AM

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