Hello Summit Bikers,We have a guest leader next week, Polly Koch as her husband a few others including me will be lost somewhere in Colorado doing Ride The Rockies.Meet at the Dillon Amphitheater parking lot and be ready to ride at 9:30. The loop around the lake is only 18 miles so get in some extra miles with out & backs to Keystone or Breckenridge to make it a 2+ hour ride. We will have the picnic lunch at the pavilion overlooking the lake. Please bring something to share with your friends as well as a sandwich and whatever you would like to drink.Sue Paluska and Margaret Knode have offered to help set up for the picnic. In the future I will need some other volunteers to assist me in in the picnic set up. If you are willing to help out for a couple of weeks or more please contact me at bikebreck@yahoo.com.If you have a name tag from any organization please bring it & wear it. Remember you are dealing with old people that have problems remembering names from one year to another.One other item for you to think about. There are two board members leaving this year and most of the other members have served a very long time (ie. their old). Summit Biking is a wonderful organization but needs others to step up and help with the mission. Think about being a part of the organization instead of just a participant. The time commitment is not larg and it is always good to get fresh ideas. Anyone with questions or who want to express an interest either contact me (at the email above) or Bob Giodano (pa1co2rv3@yahoo.com).Ride safe and have fun!John Bowyer
Wednesday, June 5
June 10 Bike Ride
9:10 AM