Hello Summit Bikers,Next week, June 24 we are doing Tour De Soda. Plan to meet at Dillon Amphitheater at 9:30 am, ready to ride. We will have a grill so plan to bring something to grill, as well as something to share and drink.The route takes us to the River Run Area of Keystone, out to the Old Ranch House, through Soda Creek and back to our cars. Please print out the directions below and have them with you. There are a number of turns but once you ride through it is not that complicated.There are lots of new members this year and I ask each of you to make a special effort to make them fell welcome. Wear name tags so people get to know each other better.TOUR DE SODABike path to River Run Area of Keystone(some may prefer different routes)On road through Mountain House Area andpast area where we normally weave through the fenceTo Keystone Ranch House RoadJust before the Ranch Restaurant turn left to stay onKeystone Ranch House RoadAt end of road return to weave through fence (At River Run Golf course)(normal place where we ride)You should be on Elk Spur LaneGo straight / left at Elk CircleGo left on River Course Drive and stay to far right onwhat appears to be a sidewalk (It is the communitypath and may have gravel)Stay on path until the end and go right (It looks like agolf path) and is steep in placesStay straight on the path crossing over a roadWhen Path takes a hard left stop walk through complex to right(Option is to turn left on Swan Mtn and follow directions below)Left onto Summit DriveLeft onto Vail CircleLeft onto Summit Drive / Cove BlvdLeft on Whispering Pines Ranch RoadLeft on Forest Glen RoadRight on Royal Coachman BlvdAt Coachman Court get on bike pathReturn to StartThe route should take about 2 to 2.5 hours. Lunch and the meeting will be in the picnic area shelter.I still need assistance to put out picnic supplies. Please contact me at bikebreck@yahoo.com if willing even for a few weeks. Two positions on the board will be open soon as well. Summit Biking has had an impact on our community and we need your help to continue.Ride safe!John Bowyer
Tuesday, June 18
June 24 Bike Ride
11:12 AM