Wednesday, June 26

July 1 Bike Ride - Montezuma

On Monday, we will ring in July with a ride to the charming town of Montezuma. We'll follow the bike path from the Dillon Amphitheater (DA) parking lot to River Run Village in Keystone. Stop at the Purple Route shuttle bus stop in front of River Run Village (on Ida Belle Drive) for bathrooms and decisions. There are two options from here: 
  • Option 1 River Run Village to Montezuma:- While the 5 miles of gradual uphill road conditions are tame enough, the downhill stretch will require the usual mindfulness and respect for the cracks, buckles, and potholes that have prevailed over the years. Navigate the first downhill mile by riding down the middle of the road. The next two miles will require focus before the road evens out to smoother conditions. A word of unsolicited advice: control your downhill speed by tapping your brakes, not squeezing constantly (which heats up the tires and risks explosions).
  • Option 2 -  River Run Village to Loveland Pass - This is a challenging uphill climb with very narrow shoulders. You'll reach the top of the pass in ~8-1/2 miles / ~2,600 ft. elevation. If you choose this option, some words of unsolicited advice include: 1) wear bright or neon colors for visibility; 2) use a rear flashing light; 3) go with one or more other riders, riding single-file and remembering that you are the one who stands to lose if a distracted driver fails to see you.
Looking forward to riding with you and meeting at the Tiki Bar for lunch (umbrellas for non-H20 drinks are not included)!
