Wednesday, June 5

June 10 Bike Ride -- Lake Dillon Loop & Picnic

Hi Everyone, our next ride is Monday, June 10, around Lake Dillon. You are encouraged to invite new Summit Country riders to join us and point them to the Summit Biking website so they can learn more and sign up!

Details include:
Start time: 9:30 a.m.
Meeting place: Dillon Amphitheatre parking lot in front of the picnic pavilion; plenty of free parking should be available in the Amphitheatre parking lot if you are driving there
Lunch: After the ride, meet at the pavilion adjacent to the Amphitheatre for lunch - bring a drink and sandwich for yourself and a food item to share with others

Arrive 10-15 minutes early so we can start promptly at 9:30 a.m. We will ride clockwise around the lake, covering a total of 18.5 miles. Glenn and I rode the course today, and it is in good shape--about 95% grit-free but with the usual stretch of Texas washboard-style pavement from the top of Swan Mountain (mile 7) to the bottom of the hill (mile 9). If this isn't enough mileage for you, feel free to add some extra miles with out-and-backs to Keystone or Breckenridge. You can also consider heading up toward Copper / Officer's Gulch as an added leg to the ride but plan to return to the Amphitheatre/pavilion for the picnic by no later than 11:45 a.m. For questions or issues, call me at 303-638-2549.

Ride safe and have fun!
