Monday, May 30

Bike Rides

When you send out the email to the group send it to: and do a BCC to .  The second email puts the message on our website and we use a BCC so people can fill it with junk.

I will be at the June 6 ride.  Not sure about June 13.  The State Square Dance meet is June 9 - 12.


Sunday, May 29

May 30 Bike Ride -- Canceled

Hello Summit Bikers,

Call me a wimp, but with possible snow tonight, rain in the morning, temperatures in the 30s and wind gusts of 25 mph it is time to cancel this week's ride. Hopefully we will see Spring again soon.  Will try again next week.

Ride safe!

John Bowyer

Tuesday, May 24

May 30 Ride

Hello Summit Bikers,

Next week's ride, May 30, will be the Green Mountain Reservoir. The start of the ride is at the intersection of Route 9 and Heeney Road, approximately 20 miles north of Silverthorne. Plan to be ready to ride at 9:30 am. Most of the parking is on route 9 at the intersection with Heeney Road. Be careful crossing route 9 as it is a busy road. Heeney Road is not very busy, but it is a road with some traffic and people are encouraged to ride single file near the shoulder. This is the only Summit County ride with rolling hills as you ride on the west side of the reservoir.  Pay attention as there are some potholes and a rough spot or two.   

Since this is Memorial Day, we will not be having a picnic, but we hope to revise them in the near future.  

Ride safe!

John Bowyer

Saturday, May 21

May 23 Bike Ride Canceled

Hello Summit Bikers,

It is with a heavy heart I we need to cancel Monday's ride, May 23, from Idaho Springs.  Given the amount of snow they received, and the temperature forecast for the next couple of days the best we can hope for is wet and cold, with perhaps some slick spots in shady areas.  Sad, and possibly unsafe conditions for a bike ride.  We will try again next week.

Ride Safe!

John Bowyer

Tuesday, May 17

May 23 Bike Ride

Our next ride, May 23 will be between Idaho Springs and Georgetown and back.  Be prepared to ride at 10 am.  This ride is an out and back but there are some turns so new people should ride with someone. Identify yourself to me the day of the ride and we will take care of you.  To get to the parking take exit 240 to the South (right) and turn into the former visitor center (almost an immediate right). There are two lots, with the further one saying employee only -- do not park there.  There are no bathrooms at this location, so you may want to stop in Georgetown at the visitor center.   The bike path starts between the parking lot and I 70 so we no longer need to ride through town.  Parking is tight, so riders are encouraged to carpool.

We will not have a picnic as there are no facilities.  A number of the participants plan to stop at Cabin Creek Brewery in Georgetown.  This is the new brewery you will pass on the left just before you reach Georgetown.  The fastest way to get there is to take I 70 to the Georgetown exit, go past the visitor center and take the second exit off the roundabout (headed toward Idaho Springs).  The brewery is on your right next to the first lake you come to.

Riders are encouraged to use hand signals, so others are aware of turns, stops and road obstacles.  Riders are encouraged to wear name tags since there are many new people.  Any name tag will do as long as it shows your name.

The weather in Idaho Springs and Georgetown Monday looks great with temperatures in the mid 50s.  However, there is a chance of snow both Friday and Saturday and we may have to postpone the ride to another week.  An email will be sent out Sunday if this is necessary.

Ride safe and have fun!

John Bowyer

Wednesday, May 11

This Monday’s Ride-5/16

As Hello Summit Bikers,

If you have not done so already get those bikes checked out and ready to ride.  The first ride of the season will be May 16, in Morrison along Bear Creek. If you have not ridden in the Front Range this is a great opportunity to check out one of the trails closest to Summit County.  Plan to make that Costco trip afterwards or other Front Range tasks.

Starting west of the 470 loop near Bear Creek Lake Park at the Morrison exit. There will be no picnic this week. Those wanting to stay for lunch can go to lunch at the Red Rocks Grill in Morrison. They are located at 415 Bear Creek Avenue

Directions to Ride
To get to the start of the ride drive east on 70 toward Denver and get off on 470 south. Take 470 to the Morrison exit and turn right (West). The parking lot is on the right at the corner of S. Rooney Road and Morrison Road (across from a Philips 66 gas station). If you are late, the bike path is across Morrison Road from the parking area, then ride east under 470. The drive from exit 205 (Silverthorne) to the start is approximately 1 hour. Plan to be ready to ride by 10 am. If it appears likely that it will rain during the ride I will send an email out the afternoon before, canceling.  Currently the prognosis is sunny with temps in the seventies.  

This season`s rides are on the website  There is a lot of other useful information on the site such as safety tips and where Summit Bikers can get discounts at local bike shops. Members without a life time membership  are strongly encouraged to visit the website and join for the 2021 bike season.   This will save us administrative time before our ride.   This is also a great time to tell others about our rides, since most Summit Country people are very active.

Looking forward to another great season of rides, with a wonderful group!

Bill Tracy and Jeanne Belli 


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