Thursday, June 9

Friday Morning Show-N-Go Ride

Tomorrow - Friday 3/10 starts the weekly Leaderless/Show-N-Go rides around Lake Dillon. We meet at the benches on the East end of the dam where the bike path comes up from Silverthorne.  Start time is 10am.  I'll be leaving Angler Mtn Ranch at 9:30 if anybody want to ride up the dam with me.
We'll ride around the lake clockwise – Swan Mtn Bike Path, past the high school, past the hospital and cross over Rt9 near Water Dance. We come by the Frisco Marina and back along the dam bike path.
Bring a lunch or walk around the Dillon Market and grab some food.  The ride is ~17 miles so we should be back by 11:30 or so.
Riders of all abilities are welcome.
Call or Email if you have questions
(614) 264-5407 Mobile