Thursday, June 22

June 26 Bike Ride

Hello Summit Bikers,

Ruth Halley pointed out an error in my directions so I road the route today to make sure there were no other problems.  I found that at the point where we use to be able to ride on dirt for about ten feet we must now get off the bike since stones have been laid that make it impossible to ride.  Before we ride this again I will modify the route to avoid this section but do not have time to do it for this year.  The following is the corrected version of our June 26 ride.   Important changes are in bold.  The ride has some beautiful views of the Gore Range and the Ranch Golf Course at Keystone.

Bike path to River Run Area of Keystone
(some may prefer different routes)
Then start back on road through Mountain House Area
Stay on road and make first left
Ride past area where we normally weave through the fence
To Keystone Ranch House Road
Just before the Ranch Restaurant turn left to stay on
Keystone Ranch House Road
At end of road turn around, returning to weave through fence
(normal place where we ride)
You should be on Elk Spur Lane
Go straight / left at Elk Circle
*Go left on River Course Drive and stay to far right on
what appears to be a sidewalk (It is the community
*Stay on path until the end and go right (It looks like a
golf path) and is steep in places
Stay straight on the path crossing over a road
*Follow the path to the left watch for small section of
hard pack dirt at end Get off your bike
Ride through Condo Parking lot turn Left on Summit Drive
Left onto Vail Circle
Left onto Summit Drive / Cove Blvd
Left on Whispering Pines Ranch Road
Left on Forest Glen Road
Right on Royal Coachman Blvd
At Coachman Court get on bike path
Return to Start

See you Monday 9:30 at the Dillon amphitheater parking lot.

John Bowyer