Friday, June 15

Monday June 18th - Ride from Dillon Pavilion to Montezuma w/usual picnic/potluck afterwards

Meet at the Dillon Amphitheater parking lot and be ready to ride at 9:30.  Most of us will head the up to Montezuma & back.  Some may want to ride to Keystone and then over to Keystone Ranch & back.  Others can head up to A-Basin or Loveland Pass.
The ride up to Montezuma is only 13 miles and an easy screamer downhill.  Do repeaters if necessary to kill time & miles
If you get back early, please help Bonnie get things set up.  She usually arrives at 11:30 so the grill will get fired up shortly thereafter. .Bring a lunch & beverage and something to share.
I'll have membership forms to pass out if you haven't paid your dues this year.  If you have a name tag please bring it & wear it.
Last but not least be sure to thank Bonnie for her continued support roll on these rides.  She can always use some help loading things back into her car.