Thursday, May 16

Help Needed For Triple Bypass Fundraiser Effort

Hello Summit Bikers,
We hope you have signed up to ride Circle the Summit ( on Saturday, August 17. But there is ride that needs our volunteer help: The Triple Bypass. This year's Triple is Saturday and Sunday, July 13 and 14.  Course marshals are needed on both days. On Saturday they need help at Summit High School and along the bike path to Copper Mountain. Volunteers can be on their bikes and are needed to provide directional information especially where paths intersect. On Sunday they need help on the Dam Road and at the aid station in the Keystone Parking lot. We are hoping to have about 20 volunteers on each day.
Volunteers can do one or both of the days.
Specific information will be forthcoming later. John Bowyer will coordinate with the organizers of the Triple and let you know the specifics.
Two years ago, Summit Biking provided volunteers and we got a $3,000 donation. We won't know until October, but we are hoping for at least a $2,000 donation this year. It all helps our efforts to improve and expand bike paths in Summit County. In addition, the Triple places save the date cards for our ride in their goody bags.
Please contact John Bowyer at his email address to volunteer. And check us out on Facebook!
Thank you!

